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Confidence…a definition and more

by Rick Baker
On Dec 2, 2010
Def’n:  Confidence happens when you believe you have what it takes to excel, do well, or at least handle the task and situation at hand.
I like the StrengthsFinderthinking:
  • Every person has dominant talent themes.
  • If we so choose then we can gain knowledge in the area of these talent themes.
  • If we apply that knowledge and take persistent, focused action in the area of the talent themes then we become skilled.
When all of this is done… talent theme + knowledge + skill …we possess strength.
And, when tasks and situations arise requiring that strength…we know we have it…so we have confidence.


Definitions - Spirited Words Defined

Comments (3) -

Rick Baker Canada
1/8/2011 9:38:11 PM #

"If there is anything that a man can do well, I say let him do it. Give him a chance."

Abraham Lincoln

rick baker
3/25/2012 7:28:06 PM #

“A man’s self-confidence measures the height of his possibilities.”

Orison Swett Marden
'Pushing to the Front', (1911)

rick baker
3/1/2014 9:39:43 PM #

"Confidence is that feeling by which the mind embarks in great and honorable courses with a sure hope and trust in itself."

Marcus Tullius Cicero
Roman philosopher and politician, 106BC-43BC

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