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“The Driving Force” - The Leader’s personal Values fuel everything

by Rick Baker
On Jan 11, 2011
Why do personal Values fuel everything?
As an introduction, here are a few answers:
  1. Decision-Making is simplified when values are clear and known. When decision-making is simplified, that creates efficiency…and efficiency means lower costs, higher gross margins, and higher profit.
  2. Trust can be built quickly. Deals are easier to do when the parties each knows the other’s ‘good values’. Trust promotes prompt and fair deals, so more opportunities are realized. Trust helps us build long-term relationships…an efficient and effective way to grow business.
  3. A group of people who share common ‘good values’ and work together toward shared goals have an opportunity to achieve excellence & accomplish great things.
3 examples to introduce why personal Values fuel everything
Decision-Making is simplified
“It is not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are.”
Roy Disney, Film Writer & Producer [nephew of Walt Disney]
“Values provide perspective in the best of times and the worst”
Charles Garfield, Business-Leadership Author
Building trust becomes easier & quicker
“Earnings can be pliable as putty when a charlatan heads the company reporting them.”
Warren Buffet, Investment Entrepreneur
"Trust is equal parts character and competence... You can look at any leadership failure, and it's always a failure of one or the other."
Stephen M. R. Covey, Author & CEO
Higher likelihood of accomplishing excellent things
“Authentic values are those by which a life can be lived, which can form a people that produce great deeds and thoughts.”
Alan Bloom, Philosopher
“Executives will have to invest more and more on issues such as culture, values, ethos and intangibles. Instead of being managers, they need to be cultivators and storytellers to capture minds.”
Leif Edvinsson, Intellectual Capital pioneer


Entrepreneur Thinking | Spirited Leaders | Values: Personal Values

Comments (2) -

rick baker
3/28/2012 9:21:13 PM #

"For the individual who wishes to live in his time, to be part of the future, the super-industrial revolution offers no surcease from change. It offers no return to the familiar past. It offers only the highly combustible mixture of transience and novelty."

"Only by stepping outside the framework of orthodox economic thought and examining these possibilities can we begin to prepare for tomorrow. And among these, none is more central than the shift in values that is likely to accompany the super-industrial revolution."

Alvin Toffler
'Future Shock', (1970)

rick baker
9/21/2013 4:58:22 PM #

“To Model the Way, you need to set the example by aligning actions with shared values. This means you have to:

•  Make sure your calendar, your meetings, your interviews, your emails, and all the other ways you spend your time reflect what you say is important.
•  Keep your commitments; follow through on promises.
•  Repeat, repeat, and repeat phrases that evoke the feelings you want to create in your workplace.
Ask purposeful questions that keep people constantly focused on the values and priorities that are most important.
•  Publicly ask for feedback from others about how your actions affect them.
•  Make changes and adjustments based on the feedback you receive; otherwise people will stop bothering to provide it.
•  When a situation - especially an unplanned one – arises that dramatically illustrates a shared value, make sure to call attention to it.
Broadcast examples of exemplary behavior through vivid and memorable stories that illustrate how people are and should be behaving.
•  In every way you can, reinforce the behavior you want repeated.”

James Kouzes & Barry Posner
'The Leadership Challenge', (2012)

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