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Do you hire Lieutenant Columbo or Sherlock Holmes for your sales role?

by Rick Baker
On Apr 7, 2011
Lt. Columbo Sherlock Holmes
To outsiders: he was a real sloppy guy with a terrible memory. Always writing stuff down, always bumbling around, always confused…never threatening…easy to talk with…a little annoying after a while.
Inside: a clever stalker who never lost track of what made criminals tick....greed & fear.
To outsiders: he was really intelligent, dealt with facts. Not afraid to let everyone know how brilliant he was. He was assertive, intimidating, and aloof. Often, he chose to look the other way rather than maintain eye contact.
Inside: He dealt with facts and logic. But, when he had to do it...he could get down and dirty and think and act like a criminal. He could fight well. And, he had good informants.
So, Columbo or Sherlock Holmes: who is the better sales candidate?
Both can succeed in sales roles.
Sherlock Holmes is a super analyst. He will know all the details of his services and all the ins and outs of his products. He will be logical and his selling process will be well thought out. He will ask questions with a stern, challenging voice. He will succeed when selling to some technical buyers…people who say things like, “Just give me the facts”.
Lt. Columbo is an actor. Proof: he had his own, long-running TV show. He doesn’t take opium like Sherlock Holmes. He never gets stressed out because he performs his role with humility and tremendous people-reading ability. He will observe and listen as clients talk themselves into buying. He will just ask strings of fair, reasonable, and simple questions…until the deal is closed.
So – you better hire Lieutenant Columbo.



Comments (1) -

7/4/2013 5:33:51 AM #

Columbo. I remember watching that show with my mum & dad. "Ah...and one more thing...."

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