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How you can improve your sales performance

by Rick Baker
On Sep 15, 2010
According to Huthwaite research, you can improve your sales performance or the performance of your sales team if you:
  1. Choose Behaviour: Identify specific actions you believe might tie in with sales success.
  2. Watch for that Behaviour during Sales Calls: how often does the behaviour happen? Keep track of the statistics.
  3. Divide Sales Calls into 2 groups: successes and failures. (Obviously, this is subjective, depending on how you define success.) Then, you will have two groups: one with the behaviour and sales success and the other with the behaviour and sales failure.
  4. Analyse Frequency Differences: if the successes outnumber the failures then the Behaviour likely is a factor of sales success.
In theory, that's a simple way to go about analysing and improving sales process.
In practice it isn't.
For example, Huthwaite uncovered some surprising things:
  • Most of the closing techniques taught do not work.
  • Closing techniques which work for small accounts will actually lose you business as the sale grows larger.
  • Open and closed probing questions may work for small sales but they won't work for bigger sales.
  • In major sales, objection-handling skills will contribute little to your sales effectiveness.
  • The benefit-from-feature approach to selling can be very successful for small sales but it will fail entirely with larger sales.
At Spirited, we recommend a TARMARVALPRODA process, summarized as follows:
  • Identify your company's Target Markets (typically 2 to 4 TARMARs)
  • Identify the specific Value Propositions linked to your Target Markets (1 VALPRO for each TARMAR)
  • Confirm your company's Unique Selling Proposition, also known as Differential Advantage (DA)...and sometimes called Distinct Advantage
  • Set Marketing Programs for each of your Target Markets
  • Set Sales Programs for each of your Target Markets (to maximize success these must be perfectly aligned with your Marketing Programs)
  • Set roles for and assign your Sales people in a manner that ensures their individual skills align with the requirements of selling to the different Target Markets
  • Set SMART sales goals for each sales person
  • Establish clear sales process, using multi-media communication [writing, audio-visual, etc]
  • Train your sales people regularly: help them understand how sales activity meshes with marketing activity and your company's goals. Repeat your sales training messages using different perspectives and communication media.
  • Establish sales-performance reporting process (Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Vital Sign reporting)
  • Do that sales-performance reporting in groups and one-on-one: as you do it celebrate lessons learned (whether they were learned through failure or success). Be specific. Don’t accept ambiguity.
  • Ensure your sales department has a Can-Do Culture


Marketing | Sales

Comments (1) -

rick baker
4/28/2012 9:55:17 PM #

"Your sales success isn't an issue of what you know; rather, it's the result of who you are! Who you are is the sum total of your knowledge, values, ethical standards, self-beliefs, emotional and spiritual strengths, and other things known and unknown."

Ron Willingham
‘The Inner Game Of Selling’, (2006)

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