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Do you feel that fear of failure can effectively motivate?

by Rick Baker
On May 26, 2011
A LinkedIn friend asked that question.
Here is my answer.
If people recognize they fear failure then they may be motivated to overcome that fear.
If their motivation to overcome the fear results in ACTION that creates GOOD HABITS [success-oriented ACTION] then...that could be considered “effective motivation”.
On the other hand, if we [Sales/Marketing Leaders] try to press fear buttons to motivate our fearful followers then it is highly unlikely we will generate “effective motivation”. While Leaders may win some battles by pressing fear buttons, they will not win wars. Followers will/may comply in the short term, however, value, if any, will be fleeting. The fear will remain...and it may grow.
Fear is a powerful driving force. But – it does not have the ability to drive toward “effective outcomes’.
Fear drives in the opposite direction. Fearful people need a lot of help to change themselves so they can achieve effective outcomes.
Conscious THOUGHT and repeated ACTION are required.
And, the process of “effective motivation” takes TIME.
We have a philosophy…when you boil it all down
People Only Do 3 Things: Good Habits, Bad Habits, & New Things.
Here is a link to one of our Thought Posts on that topic
When people fear failure they need to:
  • Understand they possess that fear
  • Want to do something to reduce/remove that fear
  • recognize that fear has created Bad Habits [whether they can identify them or not]
  • want to make changes to remove those Bad Habits
  • want to make changes to create Good Habits
  • understand those changes must be specific ACTIONS…which we call New Things
  • take baby steps…baby ACTION steps
  • celebrate the little successes
I hope this helps.


Change: Creating Positive Change | Habits: Good Habits, Bad Habits, & New Things

Comments (4) -

rick baker
3/28/2012 9:40:41 PM #

"To me personally it was no small help in overcoming fear when I saw the purpose of existence as expressed in the single word, Growth. That, at least, is a legitimate inference to draw from the history of life on this planet."

Basil King
'The Conquest of Fear', (1921)

rick baker
4/8/2012 9:03:42 PM #

"Fear is important for survival; so when the amygdala is active, your thought processes are emotionally hijacked and your ability to think creatively is diminished."

Shelley Carson
'Your Creative Brain', (2010)

rick baker
6/10/2013 7:55:34 PM #

"The same is true of a strong threat; it may motivate immediate compliance, but it is unlikely to produce long-term commitment."

Robert B. Cialdini
'INFLUENCE', (2007 revision)

rick baker
8/13/2013 9:26:56 PM #

"Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently."

Henry Ford
American Industrialist, (1863–1947)

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