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Do you believe in the concept "Mastermind"?

by Rick Baker
On Jun 23, 2011
I don’t mean the ‘Mastermind’ you find when you look up the word in a dictionary…which yields something like ‘a creative person who directs a project’.
I mean the ‘Mastermind’ described by Napoleon Hill in his classic motivational book ‘Think and Grow Rich’ and in his other writings.
In summary, Napoleon Hill defined Mastermind as the ‘new mind’ that is created when two or more people work together in perfect harmony toward a shared goal.
Napoleon Hill gave credit to Andrew Carnegie. He said Andrew Carnegie planned and used a Mastermind to generate his enormous business success. Apparently, when interviewed, Henry Ford confirmed he had used the Carnegie ‘formula for success’ to generate his enormous business success. Both Carnegie and Ford were among the richest and most-powerful business men of their time.
And, assuming the records are accurate, we can conclude each of these 3 men – Carnegie, Ford, and Hill – believed when 2 or more people work together, in perfect harmony, toward a common goal they generate an intangible force that can be likened to another mind. And, the power of this new mind is available to all the people in the group.
And…these 3 men were not alone in this thinking. Other tremendously successful business people, politicians, and people in other disciplines believed in the power of the Mastermind as Napoleon Hill defined it.
Thomas Edison believed it and ‘lived it’.
Alexander Graham Bell also believed it and used it to his advantage.
Do you believe it?
Do you believe in the concept Mastermind?


Hero Worship | Leaders' Thoughts

Comments (1) -

rick baker
4/12/2014 12:39:49 PM #

"Be courageous. I have seen many depressions in business. Always America has emerged from these stronger and more prosperous. Be brave as your fathers before you. Have faith! Go forward!"

Thomas A. Edison

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