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What does CHANGE mean to you?

by Rick Baker
On Jan 20, 2012

My friend and I got into an interesting discussion of CHANGE the other day.

We ended up sharing thoughts about the definition of CHANGE.

Obviously, the word 'change' has a very broad definition, including: make different, alter, make radically different, transform, replace with another, shift from one to another, etc1

When it comes to business, we must be able to provide a definition of CHANGE that is:

  • clear and easily understood
  • accepted by the business people who hear and see us use the word
About CHANGE, 2 parameters2 must be considered as most-important:
  1. Consciousness [Yes or No]
  2. Origin [Internal versus External]
Now, to be clear, Spirited Leaders believe People Only Do 3 Things: Good Habits, Bad Habits, & New Things.
These 3 Things register or show up as thoughts and actions. When Good Habits, Bad Habits, & New Things register or show up they are within the realm of at least one person's Consciousness. So, for business purposes CHANGE is a Conscious thing. And, for all involved it is has both Internal and External impact and implications. As we blend in Spirited Leaders' view that People Only Do 3 Things, it is clear, CHANGE is pretty much the opposite of Habit. In fact, CHANGE is so close to the opposite of Habit we can say Habits do not contain enough meaningful amount of CHANGE to justify further consideration.
So, for business purposes: CHANGE = the arrival of New Things. [that's our definition]
There are two types of CHANGES:
  1. CHANGES For The Better
  2. other changes
Business Leaders want to focus their energy on CHANGES For The Better.


  1. Merriam-Webster on-line dictionary
  2. Origin: we are not going to get all philosophical here, debating chickens-and-eggs about what goes on in human brains etc. Nor will we get all metaphysical here. Those are topics for another day...or another week...or, is it, another millennium.

Comments (4) -

3/2/2012 10:43:30 PM #

“Change is not only inevitable, it is constant and unvarying law. Without it, everything would remain forever as it is, and there could be neither growth nor progress.”

James Allen
'Light on Life's Difficulties', (1912)

rick baker
4/26/2012 10:06:25 PM #

"But what if you can't find a compelling positive reason to change? Then you need to find your motivation in the unpleasant consequences of not changing."

Dr. Doug Hirschhorn
'8 Ways to Great', (2010)

rick baker
4/17/2014 11:39:35 PM #

"Let the great world spin for ever down the ringing grooves of change."

Alfred Lord Tennyson
British Poet Laureate, 1809-1892

rick baker
7/30/2014 10:25:22 PM #

"Change is not merely necessary to life - it is life."

Alvin Toffler, (born 1928)
Author, 'Future Shock', (1970)

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