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Thought Tweet #477

by Rick Baker
On May 15, 2012

Thought Tweet #477 We benefit when someone or something makes us do what we can.


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Even the great Ralph Waldo Emerson needed that sort of help. Emerson said, "What I most need is somebody to make me do what I can." 

People Only Do 3 Things: Good Habits, Bad Habits, & New Things

When we want to develop better habits we need an injection of accountability; we benefit when someone or something makes us do what we can.


A link to Changing for the Better 


Habits: Good Habits, Bad Habits, & New Things | Thought Tweets

Comments (2) -

rick baker
5/4/2012 8:15:30 PM #

"Most of us are like factories where two-thirds of the machines are idle, where the workmen move around in a listless, dispirited sort of way, doing only a tenth part of what they could do if the head of the plant were watching and directing them. Instead of that he is off idly dreaming or waiting for something to turn up. What he needs is someone to point out to him his listless workmen and idle machines, and show him how to put each one to working full time and overtime."

Robert Collier
'The SECRET of The Ages', (1926)

rick baker
5/4/2012 9:08:34 PM #

"As a business leader you must provide a balance of autonomy and accountability for your People. You must also provide a balance of independence and relationships. The right balance will vary with each person. The right balance must consider 4 T's: Task, Time, Technique, and Team."

Daniel Pink
‘Drive’, (2009)

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