by Rick Baker
On Jan 9, 2013
I have written numerous articles and given many presentations covering Process, in general. The way I look at it, businesses need to cover routine work with highly-reliable Processes. These processes do not have to be complicated. In fact, when building Processes for routine work you should Seek Simple.
When routine work is done under good Process there is less time spent fixing problems. The freed-up time can be used to do higher-value work...specialized work - what I call not-Routine Work©.
Not-Routine work is where value gets added and money gets earned.
One key to business success is freeing up as much time as possible for not-Routine Work©.
It takes up-front time to do this…defining and setting up process templates for Routine work, etc. The up-front time should be viewed as an investment in a smoother-operating and more-profitable future. Once the processes for routine work are clarified, defined, and set up they deliver repeated value, over and over again…with much less stress and strain over avoidable and repeated problems.