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What is more important- A great business idea or a great team?

by Rick Baker
On Mar 12, 2013

I am with the folks who choose ‘team’ over ‘idea’.

There are many reasons, I will focus on one – the ‘importance’ of ideas.

When people work, in relative terms, few of them are really interested in ideas. Perhaps, 10% of business people are keenly interested in ideas. For example, consider the StrengthsFinder Talent Themes – Ideation and Intellection…assuming Gallup’s assessments are reliable, people who register these talent themes have something in them that makes ideas and thinking about ideas fascinating. Coming up with ideas and thinking about ideas is part of the fabric of these people’s lives. Based on the results we have seen, perhaps 10% of people register these ‘idea’ talent themes. So, the remaining 90% of people ideas are just not that interesting or important.

On the other hand – people, people-interactions, and people-relationships are important to the majority of people. And, ‘a great team’ is the epitome of people-relationships…this applies to personal relationships, to sports teams, and to business.

A small group of committed and capable team players can take mediocre ideas and make magic.

A great idea in the hands of a mediocre team of people goes nowhere.

If we want people to excel we must first make sure they and their team of co-workers are comfortable and capable of performing their roles…together. 



PS: Perhaps, we should re-phrase the question...If we wish to help Canadian businesses do better [or your business, if you prefer], what's a higher priority: improving ideas or improving leadership teams? On an international basis, Canada is slipping down the "Innovation Scale".


Leaders' Thoughts | STRENGTHS: People-Focused for Success

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