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Bite-sized Success

by Rick Baker
On Oct 21, 2014

Most people fail because they quit. Most people quit because they get frustrated. Most people get frustrated because they don't know how to measure success. Most people don't know how to measure success because they never took time to think about how they might be able to accomplish that measurement.

Most people don't break work down into bite-sized tasks which can be measured.

When we break success into bite-sized pieces we can measure it. When we measure actions we can see and celebrate our small successes. When we celebrate small successes we self motivate. When we self motivate we increase our chances of ultimate success.

When we measure them and know our small successes are accumulating we gain confidence.

When we gain confidence we increase the likelihood of ultimate success.

This is the sort of logic that allows us to understand the value embedded in goals, especially when vivid long-term vision is meshed with measurable short-term goals.

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