by Rick Baker
On Nov 10, 2014
- Do some as objective as you can be...the things you enjoy at work are 'talent signals'
- Obtain some 3rd-party feedback...consider your boss's input...and seek fully-objective help
- Give yourself opportunities...keep your mind open to consider changes...understand opportunities often come in problem disguises
- Ensure you associate with other people who are willing to provide opportunities for you...your mentor...your boss...your family members
Specialized Knowledge:
- Study your industry with a view to coming up with insights of value to your clients
- Study other industries with a view to coming up with insights of value to your clients [borrow brilliance]
Practise Skills:
- As Malcolm Gladwell taught - people need much practise to become skilled...dedicate 10,000 hours...then do more
- Mistakes and shortfalls are a necessary part of learning...repeat the Act-Err-Adjust cycle until you succeed
Routine & not-Routine Work-Tasks:
- The 80/20 Rule: 20% of the causes yield 80% of the results...not-Routine work is the place where innovations yield the greatest returns
- Routine work-tasks should be systematized and automated to the full extent possible, freeing up time for doing not-Routine work