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Getting Stuck on Problems & Seeking Help with Problems

by Rick Baker
On Nov 26, 2014

When we care about producing quality work on time and on budget we take the time to seek out help...that's a natural part of a continuous-improvement mindset.

Some people have that mindset; some people don't have that mindset.

Help comes in many forms and most of the time it comes from other people. Sometimes help comes from clever thinkers whom we have never heard of before. That happened to me recently when I picked up a copy of the audio book called 'Die Empty' [by Todd Henry, 2013]. This book provides some interesting and helpful perspectives and how to be more productive and achieve more success.

Here's an example:

Todd Henry's 4 Elements for Analysing Problems:

  • aspirations
  • affinities
  • assumptions
  • attributes


Using these four elements and possibility thinking aspirations, affinities, assumptions, and attributes can help you find the edges of your problem and help you avoid barriers to progress. You can utilize them at the beginning of the project to help you generate a series of questions and you can use them frequently throughout the project to keep you from getting stuck.”

 Todd Henry

 Die Empty’, (2013)

I plan to dig deep into Todd Henry's recommendations, particularly in the area of analysing problems. His work and quality thought will be helpful in many areas...here's a few that jump out at me: P=2S+OSWOT, & project improvement.


Solutions & Opportunities

Comments (1) -

rick baker
12/2/2014 9:54:18 PM #

"The question is not, 'Do you have a problem?' The question is, 'Does the problem have you?'"

Joel Osteen

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