The question unwritten but embedded below…see yellow highlight
Question: How often does sense of adventure actually make sense in [or fit] the Situation known as working at the office?
Answer: [unless we are a Google wannabe] Not too often. Certainly, in most roles, in most businesses, it cannot be a ongoing daily mindset. In 'normal-productive' office Situations, if we want people to be off on adventures then we need to think in advance and set some boundaries…otherwise, there will much such wandering and who knows where people will end up!
[please...this is not to be construed as an argument against Curiosity]
Sense of Urgency - Sense of Adventure
By Rick Baker
On Jul 23, 2014
The topic 'Sense of Urgency' arose during a conversation today.
Got me thinking...
Sense of Urgency DEF'N: that's wanting to take prompt action when you know the right thing to do.
But, what about when you want to take prompt action and you aren't sure about the right thing to do - you simply have the urge to take action? Doesn't that also qualify as a Sense of Urgency?
No - I don't think simply wanting to take action satisfies the minimum standard associated with a meaningful Sense of Urgency...i.e., when Urgency is meaningful like the type of 'Urgency' Stephen R. Covey taught about in his Urgency-Important lessons.
[And, if we are not talking about that sort of meaningful Urgency, an Urgency that requires us to use Sense, then what kind of Urgency are we talking about?]
2 Related Points:
- When we know the right action to take in a given Situation and we feel that action should be initiated sooner rather than later...that's a Sense of Urgency...that's a good thing...that's closely linked with identifying Opportunities and acting quickly to seize advantage. That's the stuff of entrepreneurship.
- When we want to take prompt action without believing/knowing that action is the right action to be taking...well...that's a Sense of Adventure!
Sense of Adventure is a good thing too.
Sense of Adventure is a different thing.
Sense of Adventure fits certain Situations.
Sense of Urgency fits other Situations.
Perhaps we need to communicate more clearly when we are driven to take prompt action?
We wouldn't want other people to mistake our Sense of Adventure for a Sense of Urgency...would we?
We wouldn't want other people to mistake our Sense of Urgency for a Sense of Adventure...would we?