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The King gets to make a mess

by Rick Baker
On Jan 21, 2016

The King gets to make a mess, others get to clean it up...and some, the privileged ones, get to analyze it.

How does that make you feel?

Now, I recognize some folks are not in favour of monarchies. Probably, I have with those few words put them off and they have already moved on to other things, forgetting the insolent annoyance embedded in the title of this thought post. At the other end of the sceptre, some folks want to be King...if only in fleeting mind-exercises...if only in their little business castles or their home castles.


It is true, Kings get to make messes.

As just one example...

While I'm writing this I have Henry VIII in mind. Now, that fellow really got to make some messes. Even if we ignore the messes made by his executioners/staff, Henry VIII personally made some colossal messes. He was a large man, some say he had a waist over 50”. The King had the habit of sitting on royal stools and making messes. The elite of his servants/staff got to clean up all his messes. And the prize job – the Groom of the Stool – had the privilege of analyzing the King’s messes.

So, it is very hard to argue against the time-proven fact. Kings get to make messes, others get to clean them up...and some, the privileged ones, get to analyze them.

You may be wondering, how does this apply to business?

That’s a very good question.

…and the answer depends on your role.

…the King?...a servant of the King?...the Groom of the Stool?



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