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How do disorganized people accomplish productive things in business?

by Rick Baker
On Feb 17, 2016

To explore this topic, I did some on-line research and found an interesting article that has fed into my thinking process. Below are some excerpts from that article called ‘Why People With Disorganized Mind Are More Intelligent’. The article can be found at http://www.lifehack.org/324803/12-reasons-why-people-with-disorganized-mind-are-actually-more-intelligent [COMMUNICATION MOTIVATION BY DIANNA LABRIEN]


Why People With Disorganized Minds Are More Intelligent

The clutter continues to accumulate—it has all of your life. You can’t find your car keys or your cell phone; you get in the car to go somewhere and you find yourself going in the wrong direction; if you have a workspace, it’s a mess; nothing is ever “where it’s supposed to be.”

You “suffer” from what psychologists now call “chronic disorganization.” But, what these psychologists also now tell us it that chronically disorganized people have higher intelligence and greater creativity. So, take heart, and the next time someone criticizes you for your disorganization, give them some facts to chew on. And here are 12 of those facts that demonstrate the high level of intellectual functioning of the chronically disorganized.

1. They score high on verbal IQ tests, often in the gifted range.

2. They have high creativity levels.

3. They have a broad range of interests.

4. They process information through their right brain hemispheres—the “creative” side.

5. They develop strong attachments to often un-related things and people.

6. They want to be around high-energy people.

7. They tend to lose track of time.

8. They have difficulty focusing when they are not interested or fascinated.

9. They are intuitive, extroverted, and feeling according to personality testing.

10. They must be learning all the time.

11. They think globally.

12. They may seem “nerdy” or “know-it-all” to others.

Disorganized people need to discover the truth and, in most instances, their own brand of truth. They may spend a lot of time with books and on the Internet. In school, they may be seen as nerds; to psychologists, they may be identified as having Asperger’s. They do not have a lot of patience for those who want to “follow the book” on everything. They research and think about how not to “follow the book” and are usually pretty committed to voicing their ideas and opinions—thus they can get a reputation for being a “know-it-all”.”


Now, there’s some food for thought. If you buy into those 12 points then perhaps you can buy into the concept that even disorganized people can succeed in business….and become well-respected business leaders.

Then, the questions move from whether or not disorganized people can succeed to the hows & whats around the thinking and actions that must happen to bring out the success embedded in disorganized people.

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