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On Introversion

by Rick Baker
On Mar 11, 2016

While I recognize introversion is a key psychological consideration, until recently, I have not been bitten by any urge to write about it.  Now that I have been bitten by an urge, my first key thought is genetics must predispose some people to be introverts while some others are predisposed to be extroverts and everyone else is predisposed to live in the middle ground between introverts and extroverts. Perhaps, an easy way to think about it is to consider long-gene and short-gene options where matching pairs make you an introvert or an extrovert and mixed pairs cause you to be in the middle ground. If that is a reasonable proxy then about 25% of people would be introverts, about 25% would be extroverts, and the remaining 50% would be in the middle ground. There’s no doubt genetics is far more complicated, however, I can live with a simple model like that to describe the role played by genetics.

Accepting that simple model, I must have received a mixed pair of genes.

How do I know this?

Well, from an early age, we know what we like and what we don’t like. For as long as I can remember, I have found it easy to become consumed in my thoughts. Yet, at the same time, I have enjoyed being with friends, especially in team-competitive situations. For as long as I can remember, I have strived to being the centre of attention. Yet, at the same time, I have been shied away from the limelight of programmed limelight, the best example being school ‘speeches’.

Over the last 15 years, I have become increasingly interested in understanding other people. Particularly, I am interested in helping business people achieve leadership-team successes. So, I have read much about philosophical viewpoints, psychological findings, and the operation of that most-amazing creation - the human brain.

Before writing too much more on this topic of introversion, I am interested in understanding what others think about the topic, how they think it applies to themselves, and how they think their knowledge can assist 'self and others'.

When I gather this thinking, I will share more thoughts about introversion.


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