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Everything that tastes good is bad for me while everything that tastes bad is good for me. What's that all about?

by Rick Baker
On May 10, 2016

If no change is made everything remains the same.

If no change is made everything remains the same…(it is so simple, when repeated it almost sounds sarcastic).

When I am 'off base', I know it. I know I need to change either the way I am thinking or the way I am behaving or both. Even when I don't make the effort to change, I know I ought to. And, I know if I don't change then chances are good the results I achieve in the future will be more or less the same as the results I have achieved in the past.

For me, this thinking is deep-rooted...like, knowing right from wrong...a powerful internal thought-force. [But not necessarily powerful enough to cause me to change...because, more often than not, bad habits are hard to break.]

I'm wondering - Am I unique on this?

Or - Is this part of the human condition?

If it is part of the human condition, why are we all so resistant to making changes?

And, why is it, everything that tastes good is bad for me while everything that tastes bad is good for me?

What kind of cruel trick is evolution playing here?

And brussel sprouts...don't get me started...I'm barely handling asparagus!

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