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Find your balance between courage and consideration of others.

by Rick Baker
On May 9, 2016

Inspired by one of Stephen R Covey's phrases, "...balance between courage and consideration"

Courage and consideration of others are two character traits.

Perhaps, courage and consideration are antagonistic toward one another? Certainly, to a degree courage and consideration can cause our thoughts to move in different directions. The character qualities known as courage and consideration can bring opposing goals and make people feel conflicted. So, there is value in considering the need to balance one against the other and vice-versa. 

It seems to me, courage and consideration come into balance when true & pure self-confidence is present. The words "true & pure" are there to remove the possibility that self-confidence is less than sincere, laced with bravado, or clouded by bluster. True & pure self-confidence survives internal tests...it passes conscience tests and it promotes peace of mind. When confidence like that exists, courage and consideration are in balance.

To be more clear: When true & pure confidence exists, from the perspective of the owner of that confidence, courage and consideration are in balance. These concepts - courage, consideration and confidence - are very personal/subjective. Individuals know whether or not their self-confidence is true & pure. And, they know when their self-confidence is ego-speak...not so true or pure, when tested by their conscience and monitoring their feelings...[or when subjected to objective 3rd party testing such as stress studies].

Perhaps, you care about being courageous - perhaps, you see courage as an admirable character trait?

Perhaps, you want to be considerate of other people...perhaps, you see consideration as an admirable character trait?

Perhaps, you see value in possessing both these character traits and keeping them in balance.

If that's the case, work at building true & pure self-confidence.

[Consider the wisdom Napoleon Hill provided in 'Think and Grow Rich', (1937).]

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