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All Hell's breakin' loose out there...

by Rick Baker
On Sep 1, 2016

…or, at least, some days, it sure seems that way.

I know you notice – 

  • People scampering around…ignoring others…craving instant gratification.
  • Reduced time…reduced patience…reduced listening skills.
  • Increased pace…increased special effects…increased intolerance.

I know you see – 

Plenty of action out there, most of it stomping over a shortage of thinking.

I know you hear – 

Most-lazy viewpoints ricocheting off most-frenetic actions.

You do your best to step beyond these things as you plan your work and work your plan. You know there are better ways because you have done them and achieved better results. 

You try to help others understand better methods: and yes, some people excel in response to your advice and example. You don’t expect everyone to ‘get it’. You savour the moments when some do. You keep track of those people who do ‘get it’ – you never stop applauding their successes. You work to help as many as you can, within reason and within realistic expectations. You remain optimistic.

You celebrate successes, but you don’t over-celebrate.

You feel some pain over failures, but not too much pain or pain that lasts too long. 

You learn equally from success and failure.

You learn from people who live lives laced with quests for instant gratification.

You learn from deep thinkers.

You learn from heroes and their fringe behavior.

You learn when the seas are calm and you learn when all Hell’s breakin’ loose out there.



Thinking as in Think and Grow Rich

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