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Victors, Victims, Masters, Servants...a thought exercise

by Rick Baker
On May 22, 2017

Some people are perceived as victors: consider Olympic gold medalists, victorious over all competitors.

Some people are perceived as victims: consider pedestrians who are victims of hit-and-run drivers.

Some people are perceived as masters: consider the conductors of world-famous orchestras.

Some people are perceived as servants: consider the people who attend to the Queen of England.

The above are, at least, somewhat-extreme examples. I mean, few people would dispute these examples. There are of course 'textures' to each of these 4 labels: a range of victors, a range of victims, a range of masters, and a range of servants. 

In general, most people would consider victors and victims to be at the opposite end of one scale and masters to be the opposite of servant. That's the context I am thinking about here, I am thinking a person cannot be a victor and a victim at the same time. I am also thinking a person cannot be a master and a servant at the same time.

With that introduction...

Considering these four possibilities, how do you perceive yourself?

Where would you place yourself in the following picture?

How do you perceive yourself?

Do you see yourself as a Victor-Master?

Do you see yourself as a Victor-Servant?

Do you see yourself as a Victim-Master?

Do you see yourself as a Victim-Servant? 


More to follow...


Attitude: Creating Positive Attitude | Influencing

Comments (2) -

Michelle Tupman
11/20/2015 11:00:27 AM #

Very interesting...I see these concepts on the scale not so much as binaries, but a little more like a bell curve on a spectrum.  I think the two opposites can certainly co-mingle within someone at the same time, but the actions we take are more specifically one side or another, which is I guess our way of controlling which part of that combo pack of feelings and qualities we want to unleash in that moment.  And it would be interesting to see if by choosing actions that are strongly one way or the other move the underlying feelings along further in that same direction...a bit of a chicken or egg question.  Fascinating stuff Smile

rick baker
12/3/2015 7:53:41 PM #

Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Michelle.

Yes, I agree, it is fascinating stuff...what we think, how we act, the way we want others to perceive us...the way we change with situations.

You are right - far more complicated than binaries and quadrants.

I'm going to spend some time thinking about bell curves and spectra...


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