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Choose your Reaction to Errors

by Rick Baker
On May 18, 2017

It is fascinating to watch how people respond to errors at work. Reaction to errors, their own errors and other people's errors, tells you a lot about people.

I tend to look at it this way...


...and as I observe you: 

I think about Attribution Bias.

I think about how other people react to and what people learn from your reactions.

I think about the culture you are generating.


Oblivious to errors - Does anyone possess that mindset? [reminds me of Mr. Magoo]

A Balanced approach to errors - If you think that is your approach to errors then what, exactly, do you mean by "balanced"? What does it mean for your errors? What does it mean for other people's errors?

Extreme Criticism - What, exactly, does that mean? How do you apply criticism to yourself? How do you apply criticism to other people? Are you consistent when you apply extreme criticism?


Does your reaction-to-errors choice take you closer to your long-term goals? farther from them? no idea?

Or, perhaps, you do not believe you have a choice?


I believe successful people have 3 main attributes: Intelligence, Willpower, & Drive.

Do you think successful people react to errors the same way you react to errors?

Do you think successful people plan their reaction to errors? 

Do you think successful people learn from observing reactions to errors?


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