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Being Right, Being Wrong, & other ways to Annoy People

by Rick Baker
On May 23, 2017

We can annoy other people so many ways...from being 100% right to being 100% wrong and pretty much everything in between.

It's relatively easy to understand why we annoy people when we are wrong. When we say and do wrong things people are annoyed because we let them down and we waste their time, etc.

It's relatively easy to understand why we annoy people when we stick to middle ground. People don't like indecision and they don't like wishy-washyness. People are impatient and they want answers.

And, I suppose for some folks it's easy to understand why we annoy people when we provide accurate answers, technically-right advice, and clear perceptions. Nobody likes a wise guy. Nobody likes a know-it-all. And sometimes all it takes is a right idea or an accurate piece of advice to trigger other people's self-defence mechanisms.

"Productive Communication": what an art form -

  • knowing when to bite your tongue just before it expresses something quite right but nonetheless doomed to be poorly received 
  • knowing when to bite your tongue just before it expresses something incorrect or stupid or otherwise wrong 
  • knowing when and how to take the time to formulate opinions that will inject Value into situations...helping others...without annoying them

Self-monitoring & self-control, the gifts that create a pleasing personality, a personality that -

  • does not annoy
  • inspires people
  • influences action
Inspire People - Influence Action - Generate Success
When you annoy people you don't make money...[unless you happen to be a sitcom actor or a Don Rickles clone]


Communication: Improving Communication | Influencing | Personalities @ Work

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