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Sales Tweet #340

by Rick Baker
On Nov 4, 2011
Sales Tweet #340 People lie. Don't take it personally... they're only human.
The Thinking Behind the Sales Tweet
Everyone lies. Some people lie a lot. Some people only lie a bit. Some people tell whopping lies. Some people are pathological liars. Most people tend to judge others harshly when others lie while they tend to forgive themselves when they lie.


Beyond Business | Thought Tweets

My Uncle Jack’s Plus-Minus Theory

by Rick Baker
On Nov 3, 2011
On a warm summer afternoon a couple of months ago, I was sitting on my Uncle Jack’s porch…chatting with him about many things, some serious and some definitely-not.
That’s when he surprised me by asking, “Haven’t I ever told you my Plus-Minus Theory?
I said “No” and sat back to catch a little more shade and listen to my Uncle Jack’s Plus-Minus Theory.
He explained, “At the end of the day we should think about the ‘pluses’ of the day and the ‘minuses’ of the day. If we find the ‘minuses’ consumed more than 75% of the day then we better make changes.
Now, since that afternoon, I have thought about pluses and minuses every single day.
And, I have shared my Uncle Jack’s ‘theory’ with a number of folks.
Each time I share the story and the theory I talk about the thoughts I have had for several years about feeling good and feeling bad at work and the thoughts I had about measuring these feelings. I talk about the fact I have worked at teaching and helping people learn the importance of doing these things. I talk about the Minus10-to-Plus10 Scale we use to measure feelings.
And, I never fail to mention I had no idea my favourite Uncle had already established a ‘theory’ on this topic, beating me [and many of the motivational gurus by decades].
Clearly, this is proof we need to spend more time with our Favourite Uncles!
  1. At Spirited Leaders we use colours as visual signals:
    • green = good things…especially Good Habits
    • blue = New Things
    • red = Bad Habits
  2. Minus10-to-Plus10 Scale: like my Uncle Jack’s ‘pluses’ and ‘minuses’ we are talking about monitoring feelings throughout the workday. Negative feelings are feelings that signal you are not in situations or taking actions aligned with your goals. Positive feelings are feelings that signal you arein situations or taking actions aligned with your goals.
    • Plus 1-4: you are at least accepting the situation and have some comfort about your action
    • Plus 5-7: you enjoy the situation and the action you are taking
    • Plus 8-10: you are enthusiastic about the situation and your actions


Beyond Business | Emotions & Feelings @ Work | Measure & Monitor

Sales Tweet #339

by Rick Baker
On Nov 3, 2011
Sales Tweet #339 Today. Talk no more than 30% of the time and listen at least 70% of the time.
The Thinking Behind the Sales Tweet
This applies not just to sales but to all conversation. People will tend to like you more if you are skilled at listening. If you struggle with listening the work at self-monitoring. A small percentage of people are born with the character trait known as self-monitoring. If you want to succeed in business and you were not born with this character trait then you have to learn it.


Beyond Business | Sales | Thought Tweets

Michelangelo’s magnificent 'David'

by Rick Baker
On Oct 21, 2011
There's a story, perhaps legend, about Michelangelo - the famous Italian Renaissance painter and sculptor…and much more. Apparently, someone asked Michelangelo how he carved such a magnificent statue of David out of a block of marble.
Michelangelo said something like, "I could see David in the marble block and I uncovered him by removing the pieces of marble that didn't belong".
This story about Michelangelo 'gets me thinking'.
Certainly, Michelangelo did David a great favour...releasing him from the marble block and allowing him to be seen and enjoyed by millions of people for at least hundreds of years.
Great teachers face a situation similar to the one Michelangelo faced with his David. Great teachers can see the unique talents embedded in people. Because they are great, great teachers are able to help people chip away the pieces of stuff that covers and sometimes buries the unique talents and skills.
To some degree, most of us try to teach...
  • we try to teach our family members [particularly our children],
  • we try to teach our co-workers [particularly, those who report to us], and
  • we even try to teach strangers [for example, people who do things like steal 'our' parking spaces].
When we try to teach we should remember:
We can help people chip away at their block of marble to help them uncover their ‘hidden Davids’. And, to the extent we desire to do that, wouldn't it be awesome if we had even half the talent and skill of Michelangelo!
Michelangelo’s David
Michelangelo’s David


Beyond Business | Criticism: Constructive Criticism is an Oxymoron

The joy embedded in ‘work worth doing’

by Rick Baker
On Oct 6, 2011
Now, I know the famous composer Richard Wagner said, “Joy is not in things; it is in us”.
However, at least from time to time…
When we want things and don’t get them we are disappointed. When we do ‘hard work’ and the results fall short we are disappointed. When we want things and we get them we are, at least, momentarily satisfied or happy. When we do ‘hard work’ and achieve desired results we feel satisfied or happy. When it comes to work…some of our desires are positive, normal, and healthy in nature and some of our desires are not.
According to Eckhart Tolle, all negative desires represent frustrations of positive desires inspired by defeat, failure, and neglect. I’m still thinking on that cause-and-effect way of looking at desires. Sometimes, when we ‘work hard’ and are defeated we wind down a bit...and the work starts to taste sour. Sometimes when we ‘work hard’ and people don’t notice we wind down a bit...and the work tastes sour. Perhaps, after more defeats and more neglect the taste gets so sour we give up. And our attitude towards life sours. Perhaps, that’s how positive intent ends up becoming negative attitude, the breeding ground for negative desires.
Regardless of where joy is and how desires become desires there is a piece of ancient wisdom we should keep at the front of our thinking. This wisdom has been described in writing for well over 2000 years.
This ancient wisdom is the key to ensuring our work does not put sour tastes in our mouths.
There are numerous quotes, capturing this wisdom.
I particularly like this one, from ‘The Old Lion’, Theodore Roosevelt:
“Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.”
I bet most people want to work hard at work worth doing…to ‘make a difference’.
If we put our minds and hearts to it then we can create their chance to do just that.
  1. A Wagner quote, “I am convinced that there are universal currents of Divine Thought vibrating the ether everywhere and that any who can feel these vibrations is inspired”.
  2. Like Napoleon Hill, Alexander Graham Bell, Richard Wagner, and many others before him, Eckhart Tolle teaches thoughts are vibrations. Tolle says negative thoughts have shorter wavelengths than positive thoughts. He talks about the hypnotic rhythm.


Beyond Business | Emotions & Feelings @ Work | Hero Worship

Sales Tweet #318

by Rick Baker
On Oct 5, 2011
Sales Tweet #318 The Joy of Pro-active Procrastination - http://www.spiritedsalestweets.ca
The Thinking Behind the Sales Tweet
I think procrastination is a lot like using a dentist's drill on your own teeth. If you have some skill at it, and you use it right, then it can be a very good tool and you can end up with a big healthy smile on your face. If you use it wrong then you can cause yourself a lot of pain and end up with a rotten taste in your mouth.


Beyond Business | Humour | Thought Tweets

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