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Habits. What are they anyhow?

by Rick Baker
On Jul 11, 2013

What is a Habit?

A Habit is a repeated behaviour...a repeated action.

Habits fall under the influence of the subconscious part of our minds. Habits are either fully under the influence of the subconscious mind or for the most part under the influence of the subconscious mind.

Yes - we weigh Habits with conscious thoughts. But, we do Habits because of subconscious influences.

As an example, breathing is a Habit. It happens under the influence of the subconscious mind. Yes - we can think about how we breathe and we can decide to hold our breath. To that extent, our conscious mind can influence breathing. However, the influence of the conscious mind is short-lived. After holding our breath for a period of time we either give up and breathe or we pass out. Either way, the subconscious mind has taken over and it causes us to breathe again.

With respect to Habits, the conscious mind is much weaker than the subconscious mind.

However, there is some good news: we have the ability to use conscious thought to impress change on the subconscious influences and, with skilled practice, over time, the conscious mind can exert its will on the subconscious mind and change Habits. For example, the current world record for holding one's breath under water is currently over 22 minutes! Over time, with practice, meditation can help the conscious mind exert control over the subconscious. For example, meditating gurus can slow their heart rates to extremely low levels.

Those are examples of ways to change Habits. They can be used to change Habits from Bad to Good...i.e., changing for the better.

The process for changing Habits is challenging - it is a battle that pits conscious will for long-term gain and doing the right things against near-term gratification.

For Spirited Leaders, Good Habits are actions that help us achieve our long-term goals [including living up to our personal values and standards of character] while Bad Habits are actions that do not help us achieve our long-term goals. So, stated another way, it is a battle that pits a conscious effort to do better actions against subconscious urges to do worse actions.

More about Habits

Thought Tweet #778

by Rick Baker
On Jul 10, 2013

Thought Tweet #778 Crystallize your thoughts & desires...be clear about the details of Goals, Tasks & Actions. Do & Measure the Actions.



The Thinking Behind The Tweet

And Practice: if Practice doesn't make perfect then what does?

Practice clarifying your desires.

Practice clarifying your Goals.

Practice communicating about your desires and Goals.

Practice defining the details of Tasks, with emphasis on the Tasks that yield the results you desire.

Practice taking Talent to the Tasks - i.e., Practice the best, most-focused-for-success Actions.

Practice communicating about Talents & Strengths and about Tasks and Actions.

Practice Measuring Actions.

Practice Measuring results.

These are the ways to better- and best-in-class performance.

These are the ways to Skills.

These are the ways to business success.

Thought Tweet #739

by Rick Baker
On May 16, 2013

Thought Tweet #739 "...only he who knows where he is sailing also knows which wind is good and the right wind for him."


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Not mine...Nietzsche's...[and I agree with him]

From 'Thus Spoke Zarathustra', (1880's)

Zarathustra's shadow talked to him...

"But alas, how could any thing please me any more? Do I have a goal any more? A haven toward which my sail is set? A good wind? Alas, only he who knows where he is sailing also knows which wind is good and the right wind for him."


Goals - SMARTACRE Goals | STRENGTHS: People-Focused for Success | Thought Tweets

Thought Tweet #715

by Rick Baker
On Apr 12, 2013

Thought Tweet #715 When a combination of skills, goals, & plans is not present, people give up their dreams & hope.


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Skills, goals and plans will always be required. Without these basics work is demoralizing and frustrating. Without these basics, unless they have tremendous will, people give up their dreams and hope.


by Rick Baker
On Jan 15, 2013

Why not expand your presentation of your chief aim?

The business gurus and the motivational speakers have extolled the virtues and values of aiming big and amplifying your purpose: 

  • big hairy audacious goals [Jim Collins' BHAGs]
  • wildly important goals [Stephen R. Covey]
  • shoot for the moon [Les Brown]

I think it is more important to clarify your purpose than to make it bigger.

You cannot assume the purpose of your thinking is obvious. So, when you are a business leader you cannot assume people know why you ask them to do stuff. You cannot assume people know how pieces of work fit together or how they align with your organization's goals.

You have to express these things.

You have to talk about your organization's overall goals...long-term goals. You have to talk about specific task-&-action goals...short-term goals. You have to talk about your personal goals. As you describe your goals and explain what you are aiming at you have to adjust your messages...much like your camera lens must be adjusted to capture short- and long-distance objects. This makes sure pictures are clear rather than fuzzy.

That's what I call aimplification





Communication: Improving Communication | Goals - SMARTACRE Goals

Thought Tweet #652

by Rick Baker
On Jan 15, 2013

Thought Tweet #652 Seek the upside in ordinary tasks: seeking simple work and doing it well; knowing its link to positive outcomes.


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

As the old saying goes, "There is satisfaction in a job well done."

There is more satisfaction when:

  1. You know the work, even if it is the most-simple of tasks, is a step toward a positive outcome and
  2. You do the work well.
Some people know this.
Others have to learn this.
Some have to teach this.
Leaders illustrate this by example: Mahatma Gandhi took pride in simplicity and practice of walking; Napoleon Bonaparte took pride in the science and practice of aiming cannons. 


Emotions & Feelings @ Work | Goals - SMARTACRE Goals | Seeking Simple! | Thought Tweets

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