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What habit-thing lurks around Urgency, allowing it to defy logic and beat out Importance, time after time?

by Rick Baker
On Feb 18, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

When we face urgent situations they almost always capture our attention and action...even if we know we should be doing more-important things. 

Urgency is always hanging around the roots of Bad Habits

You know you need to take small side-steps to get out of a Bad-Habit ruts.

by Rick Baker
On Feb 5, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Habits exist in loops of brain circuitry.

[Or, at least, that's a description that allows us to understand and address Habits.]

With each repetition, a Habit becomes more ingrained...the Habit groove or rut becomes deeper and deeper. While it may seem this applies more to Bad Habits than to Good Habits, we must not underestimate the force of the good. We must understand the grooves and ruts of several Habits are 'overlapped' and 'intertwined'. Good Habits support one another in positive grooves. Bad Habits support one another in negative ruts.

To escape a Bad-Habit rut we must focus our attention and interest on making a single, small side-step. That's the way to get out of a Bad Habit rut.

Success Key: find the growth that aligns with both the pessimists’ good habits and the optimists’ interests in new things.

by Rick Baker
On Feb 2, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

The common ground where optimists and pessimists can stand together and self-actualize together is – Growth....all entrepreneurial leaders love to build and grow things.



The greatest leaders overcome their bad habits. They mould their character to improve their ability to influence others.

by Rick Baker
On Jan 23, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Sometimes they replace combative ways with kindness; sometimes they replace softer ways with assertiveness.

Other times they improve their voice, vocabulary, and body language to improve their communication style...adding clarity and power to it.

Great leaders are attuned to their habits, both the good ones and the bad ones. They choose to replace their bad habits with new things - adding good habits, habits proven to deliver positive results.

Beyond everything else, the greatest leaders are masters of self-awareness and self-control.

And they know leadership is an ongoing series of thought-and-action choices. So they define thought-and-action boundaries for themselves and they work continuously at living within those thought-and-action boundaries.

Willpower consumes energy. Energy is scarce. Use willpower wisely.

by Rick Baker
On Jan 6, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Willpower must be one of the human body's most energy-intensive processes. 

We must exercise willpower or it becomes weak.

We must rest willpower so it re-energizes. 

Exercising it wisely and resting it: these are the keys to building willpower and growing success.



Beyond Business | Habits: Good Habits, Bad Habits, & New Things | Thought Tweets

Fear is neither our birthright nor our destiny...it is simply a bad habit we picked up and chose to live with...or overcome.

by Rick Baker
On Dec 24, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

To overcome fear people must do small amounts of the thing they fear and experience small successes. 

Positive thinking is helpful. Positive action is truly powerful.

Fear crumbles when assaulted repeatedly by methodical small actions.

Copyright © 2012. W.F.C (Rick) Baker. All Rights Reserved.