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Link your Goals to Actions...Measure Actions & Build Motivation

by Rick Baker
On Jul 16, 2013



Leaders succeed when they know how to set clear Goals, describing the Vital Results they desire. In some cases Vital Results could be as narrowly focused on a single thing that drives the business’s economic engine. For most businesses 5 Vital Results is enough.  In no cases are more than 7 Vital Results required. Focus is essential for 2 reasons: (1) to reflect the way the 80/20 Rule applies and (2) to keep it simple.

Leaders succeed when they establish ways to Measure performance of the right things at the right times…like the Vital Signs used in the medical profession to ensure the most-important things are covered.

In business, Vital Signs cover timely measurement of Vital Behaviours, the most-important Actions that bring about achievement of Goals. Like Goals, the number of Vital Behaviours must be minimized. Very few Actions are Vital to the achievement of a Goal. Leaders must hone their focus on the few Actions that determine whether or not a Goal will be achieved. Ideally, the focus can be reduced to one Vital Action for each Goal.

With desired Results and desired Actions clarified, the leader must influence behaviour. The key is leadership influence that sets the framework so people are intrinsically rewarded when they do the desired Actions…so they enjoy doing the Actions. Then people will be self-motivated and both Vital Actions and Vital Results will be maximized.


80/20 Rule | Goals - SMARTACRE Goals | Measure & Monitor

Thought Tweet #778

by Rick Baker
On Jul 10, 2013

Thought Tweet #778 Crystallize your thoughts & desires...be clear about the details of Goals, Tasks & Actions. Do & Measure the Actions.



The Thinking Behind The Tweet

And Practice: if Practice doesn't make perfect then what does?

Practice clarifying your desires.

Practice clarifying your Goals.

Practice communicating about your desires and Goals.

Practice defining the details of Tasks, with emphasis on the Tasks that yield the results you desire.

Practice taking Talent to the Tasks - i.e., Practice the best, most-focused-for-success Actions.

Practice communicating about Talents & Strengths and about Tasks and Actions.

Practice Measuring Actions.

Practice Measuring results.

These are the ways to better- and best-in-class performance.

These are the ways to Skills.

These are the ways to business success.

2 Simple Tools: 1 for Thinking, 1 for Action....both for Communicating.

by Rick Baker
On May 10, 2013

Edward de Bono is one of my heroes. In my opinion, he is the world's greatest creative thinking educator.

I have written about Edward de Bono and his 'Six Thinking Hats'...'Six Thinking Hats' is an extremely helpful tool for sorting out your thinking and for communicating with others about thinking.

Here's a picture-summary:

Edward de Bono's 'Six Thinking Hats'



I have a de Bono section in my library. My goal is to collect and red all his books. That's a challenge because he has been prolific, writing well over 50 books. I have just completed reading de Bono's 'Six Action Shoes', (1991). 'Six Action Shoes' is an extremely helpful tool for sorting out your actions and for communicating with others about actions.

Here's a picture-summary:

Edward de Bono's 'Six Action Shoes'

These thinking and action tools provide excellent ways to Seek Simple....a Spirited Leaders' philosophy. When thinking can be summarized in 6 ways...that's seeking simple. When action can be summarized in 6 ways...that's seeking simple. And, that's why Edward de Bono is so amazing. He has been able to unleash his genius [and help others do the same] because he is the master in simplifying before choosing how to think, simplifying before choosing how to act, and knowing when and how to be creative. In other books, he illustrates exactly how to be creative. [Our recent thought post 'Taking Curiosity to Creativity' contains de Bono's signature contribution - lateral thinking.]

Now, Seek Simple is one of Spirited Leaders' core philosophies...another is:

Business Contains Only 3 Things: People, Process, & Situations

Much has been posted about People, Process, & Situations.

Now we will show how Edward de Bono's Six Thinking Hats and Six Action Shoes can be incorporated.

Business Contains Only 3 Things: People, Process, & Situations. 

Here's the picture...

A snapshot in time during your business day - that's what we mean by Situations. That snapshot will contain people [at least 1, you] and it will contain process [at least 1, your thinking]. Process either involves People or machines/mechanisms/tools [designed by People]. For the time being, let's concentrate on the Processes performed by People. There are only 2 types of Processes performed by People: Thinking and Action. If we embrace de Bono's tools, the Processes performed by People have 12 components: 6 ways of thinking and 6 ways of taking action.

In any Situation, People can decide which of the 12 things they will perform.

Here's the picture...


Those are good questions to ask!

[That's Seeking Simple and finding it.]

[That makes for one very Good Habit.]

@GKWCC #CEOP2P: Some of us were brought up thinking if it is a “touchy-feely” thing then it cannot be measured.

by Rick Baker
On Jan 24, 2013

The @GKWCC #P2P series of thought tweets contains ideas, quotes, & suggestions provided by local business leaders at "CEO Peer-to-Peer" group meetings, sponsored by the Greater Kitchener Waterloo Chamber of Commerce.

The goals of the thought tweets: to help local business leaders and to promote the sharing of business thoughts.

The thoughts expressed are not opinions of the Greater Kitchener Waterloo Chamber of Commerce...they are opinions of local business leaders who are Chamber members and participate in the Chamber's CEO P2P program.

How To Increase Profits

by Rick Baker
On Sep 18, 2012

After meeting with and investigating 100's of businesses that have been unable to achieve their profit goals, it is clear there is need for a simple process for profit-improvement. The simple process needs to work for all sizes of businesses and work across a broad range of business sectors.

Here is a simple profit-improvement process that works:

The RAISE Process

Review your issues, objectively

Assessment of situation, people, & process

Insight, to create options & best practices

Support, of your solution implementation

Evaluation against agreed benchmarks


More details...

Review your issues, objectively:

There are 2 ways to be objective. (1) be a possibility-thinking master of self-discipline and (2) obtain unbiased 3rd party input. Definitely, there are ways to expand open-mindedness, possibility thinking, and creative thinking. Here are 2 examples: Edward de Bono's 'Six Thinking Hats' and John C. Maxwell's 'How Successful People Think'. 

Assessment of situation, people, & process:

These are the 3 basic elements of business. They inter-play with one another. Of course, it is all about people. Yet, the differences in people are often underestimated. People create the process. Yet, sometimes they do not do a good enough job explaining what they have created. And, people regularly underestimate the impact situations have on people's behaviour....especially, tough situations.

Insight, to create options & best practices:

Some people appear to possess a natural gift of insight; some people rarely exhibit insight; any person who works at it can develop skills for insight. Business leadership and business development [sales & marketing] are two areas where insight is most essential. Here is an illustration of the importance of insight - the Entrepreneurial Dilemma

Support, of your solution implementation:

It is impossible to implement a solution if your people do not buy into it. It is difficult to make a good consensus decision; it is really tough to implement any decision without people buying in. For some people - and you will need their help - the path to change must contain small steps...at least, at first.

Evaluation against agreed benchmarks:

Business is an iterative process: building things you believe contain value and testing to determine those things actually do contain value. Here, I am talking about value for clients, value for owners, value for employees...i.e., value, as seen from these and other [different] perspectives. And, all these perspectives must be understood and used as performance benchmarks...to define success and guide behaviour. Then, with benchmarks understood - measure, report, adjust, etc.

The Need to Do Better Business...call it Spirited Business

by Rick Baker
On Jun 26, 2012

We have been spoiled by a relatively-easy business environment for the last couple of generations.

Now, as the last 4 years is showing us, just to 'keep up' let alone thrive, there is a need to do better business than we have done in recent generations.

Call it Spirited business.

As in...


     Bad Feelings At Work                    Good Feelings At Work

  Working With Weaknesses              Working With Strengths

    Doing Work That Exhausts            Doing Work That Energizes

Being Uninspired                                Being Spirited


Change: Creating Positive Change | Leaders' Thoughts | Measure & Monitor

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