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Good News: you have an emotionally charged group of leaders. Now: how do you convert that energy to the positive?

by Rick Baker
On Dec 5, 2021

When our ancestors first saw fire, the first things they saw and understood were destruction and danger. As time passed, as they became more thoughtful and more adventuresome, our ancestors learned the energy of fire could be harnessed and put to productive use. 

Harnessing energy and putting it to good use...that's the territory of leadership.

So, when you see people blowing off steam at work recognize there is energy generating the steam. Energy is good. Energy does good when it is harnessed and properly directed. That's a thing of leadership.

Leaders: Make sure your confidence does not threaten your followers.

by Rick Baker
On Dec 4, 2021

Some followers are intimidated by Leader's self-confidence. Here are some Spirited suggestions, to make sure you do not come across that way: 

  • Be authentic…it is OK to be on the reserved side of centre if that is your character…it is OK to be on the boisterous side if that is your character
  • Be committed to working on self-improvement…i.e., raising his or her own self-confidence when that is required, as it will be from time to time
  • Focus on strengths: personal strengths and the strengths possessed by others
  • As Dale Carnegie taught, "Praise heartily"
  • Make full and appropriate use of humour…some leaders have just a little of it and will need to remind themselves of the importance of putting it to good use…other leaders have heavy doses of it and they will need to remind themselves to never let it go too far…self-humour is best…humour at the expense of others is an absolute no-no
  • Listen…resurrect that art if it has become lost
  • Master your emotions…and keep them under control [most of the time]
  • Live with Integrity…as defined here

Plan for the particular and the peculiar...because that's what you are...and so is your perspective.

by Rick Baker
On Jul 31, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Particular, peculiar, distinctive, & unique: in the English language the meaning of these words overlap. Of these 4 words, we should give 'peculiar' its fair share of consideration.  While many people will struggle with defining themselves as 'peculiar', others will barely hesitate to do it...I mean, to other people...of course.


Beyond Business | Definitions - Spirited Words Defined | Humour | Thought Tweets

Knowledge costs money and lack of knowledge costs more.

by Rick Baker
On Jun 30, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

We must pay to learn.

We can buy knowledge contained in books.

We can buy knowledge contained in hard knocks

We must pay much for knowledge in order to have much.

If we do not pay much for knowledge, we pay even more.



Thinking as in Think and Grow Rich | Thought Tweets | Values: Personal Values

The power behind our reactions is far too important to be left to chance.

by Rick Baker
On Jun 29, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Knee-jerk reactions catch our attention and we hold them in disfavour. Yet – what are we doing to make sure they don’t happen?

What are you doing to anticipate situations/circumstances and pre-plan the release of the power of your reactions?

Don't be fooled - only deliberate practice allows talents to master tasks.

by Rick Baker
On Jun 28, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Take Talent To Task: Take Task To Talent.

That's a lot better than taking weakness to tasks and taking tasks to people who are not capable of doing the tasks well.

And, it's a lot better than guessing and winging it at work.


STRENGTHS: People-Focused for Success | Thought Tweets

Copyright © 2012. W.F.C (Rick) Baker. All Rights Reserved.