Action: things people do, and there are only 3 types - Good Habits, Bad Habits, or New Things
Change: the arrival of New Things
Client: a person who receives value from you and pays you for that value
Commander's Intent: (1) the commander's stated vision which defines the purpose of an operation, the end state [Sanjay Mishra] and (2)the unmistakable core of the message [Chip Heath & Dan Heath]
Confidence: what you feel and think when you believe you have what it takes to excel, do well, or at least handle the task and situation at hand.
Conversion: the measurement that confirms the rate of success of an intentional Action [the cause] performed to accomplish a desired result [the effect]
Courage: self-inflicted mental and moral strength to act in the face of fear, difficulty, and criticism; the ‘Great Enabler’
Creativity [in business]: using Intuition and imagination to deliver value to Clients
Definite Purpose: the business Leader’s Vision, implemented in accordance with the business Leader’s Personal Values/Master Rules & directed at satisfying Ideal Clients’ needs
Ego is the part of the Mind that causes us to do what feels good to us or looks good to others
Emotions: Paul Ekman’s 7 characteristics:
- Signals: Emotions are mental states, most of which exhibit consistent visible cues.
- Automatic Appraisal: Emotions occur automatically and very fast...1/4 second.
- Lack of Awareness: Consciousness plays little role if any...most emotions are opaque to consciousness and thought. Nature did not want us to be able to consciously control emotions. However, thoughts can re-trigger emotions.
- Not Unique to Humans: Other animals exhibit the same emotions as humans. There is no human emotion that cannot be seen in at least one other animal.
- Short Duration: Emotions can last for extremely short periods (seconds) or longer, but they never last longer than a day. (longer-lasting ‘states of mind’ are defined as moods)
- Conscious Awareness of Emotions is a Skill: using special exercises, it can be developed. We can become skilled at self-monitoring, being present, and self-regulating. We need to explore the motivation and intent behind our emotions. Knowledge and skill around motivation and intent will help us understand and control our emotions.
- Emotions can get us into trouble..."I lost my head". In fact, Ekman thinks emotions do present-day humans little, if any, good. Emotions, all of them, are vestiges of evolution.
Entrepreneur: 3 forces drive Entrepreneurs:
- Entrepreneurs have this burning feeling inside them…a Need To Achieve something. I describe it as "a wanting".
- Entrepreneurs have a desire to create and Build Things Of Value.
- Entrepreneurs have a need to Be Recognized As Different – a different type of contributor.
These are defining internal forces driving An Entrepreneur.
In addition,
An Entrepreneur is a business leader who:
- Recognizes, uses, & develops People Strengths…first in self and then in others,
- Clicks with other People [has self-control & a pleasing-enough personality], and
- Is ready, willing, and able to lead change…first in self and then in others.
Essence: the singular attribute that makes a person, place or thing what it fundamentally is, which it has by necessity and without which it loses its identity.
Focus: to control one’s attention and thoughts then actions to align with goals [this definition developed with Lorie Saxby PhD]
Genius: a person who possesses the ability to get beyond his/her emotions, regardless of his/her character, and the ability to remove/minimize mental noise, with the result the genius’ mind is free to fully concentrate under the guidance of a focused purpose.
Goal: a desired result:
- That is specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bounded [SMART] and
- That has considered the tangible and intangible Action, Conversion, Repercussion, and Emotion required for its attainment.
Habits: thoughts, feelings, and actions that are repeated
Habits [Bad]: do not contribute to our betterment and do not take us toward our Goals
Habits [Good]: contribute to our betterment and take us toward our Goals
Imagination: the source of creative power: creating images in the mind, picturing things in your mind's eye
Initiate: to commence thought or action aligned with goals [this definition developed with Lorie Saxby PhD]
Innovation [in Business]: arranging old concepts, ideas, or plans into new combinations to solve customers’ problems or satisfy customers’ needs
Inspire: to exert an animating, enlivening influence on; to encourage, impel & motivate; to excite and impart motion; to bolster Focused Action
- When you know your Personal Values and
- When you can express your Personal Values in writing [showing how you think the think] and
- When you can talk with others about your Personal Values [talk the talk] and
- When your Actions are consistent with your Personal Values [walk the walk] and
- When you acknowledge your think-talk-walk errors and strive to not repeat them
…then you have Integrity.
Intuition: William Duggan’s 3 types
- Ordinary Intuition is a feeling, a gut instinct
- Expert Intuition is snap judgments, when you instantly recognize something familiar
- Strategic Intuition is not a vague feeling, like ordinary intuition. It is slow, clear thought which works in new Situations
Justice: giving and receiving of equal values [James Allen]
Knowledge: information and understanding related to interacting with people, or the details of your business and industry sector, or the details of your role
Leaders: People who possess deep & Vivid Vision and use it to help other People experience improved lives
Manipulation is when you get a person to do something for your good [Zig Ziglar]
Master Rules: 5 to 7 simple, clear, top-down rules that reflect the core values of the business leader
Mind: the personal Essence, which uses energy and information beyond that of the organs of thought and feeling
Monitor: to observe the thoughts and actions of self and others in responses to self [this definition developed with Lorie Saxby PhD]
Motivation is when you inspire a person to do something for their own good [Zig Ziglar]
Networking is meeting new people and re-meeting people in a business or social context with the purpose of delivering and receiving value [this definition developed with LinkedIn Friends]
New Things: anything a person does that is not a Good Habit or a Bad Habit
Organize: to think about systematic, integrated actions required to achieve Goals [this definition developed with Lorie Saxby PhD]
Plan: to formulate, set, and commit to Goals [this definition developed with Lorie Saxby PhD]
Positive Attitude or Positive Mental Attitude means enjoying a predominance of positive Emotions and having a predominance of positive thoughts, which align with personal Goals...and it means having the ability to replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts.
Process: an arrangement of circumstances that makes things happen in certain ways [based on edward de Bono's definition of 'System', which is a synonym of Process]
Regulate: to bring Integrity and order to the thoughts and actions of self [this definition developed with Lorie Saxby PhD]
Repercussion: the positive or negative result that follows an Action
Shift: to intentionally replace one thought or action with another [this definition developed with Lorie Saxby PhD]
Situations: a snapshot of an instant in business life…the people, the ‘props’, and the immediate environment
Skill: learned and practiced competence of thought or Action; a Good Habit
Strength: consistent near-perfect performance of an activity...with passion
Strength = Talent + Knowledge + Skill [Marcus Buckingham]
Talent: any recurring pattern of thought, feeling, or behaviour that can be productively applied [Marcus Buckingham]
Thick Skin: a state of Mind containing an optimal balance between Ego [which is kept under control] and Confidence [which is kept high, but not too high]
Values & Personal Values:
- the qualities, standards, and principles a person desires, admires, and aspires to
- the driving forces, which influence a person’s thoughts and actions
- the driving forces, which influence the character a person presents to other People
Vision: holding the Mind's-eye picture of the thing you desire, seeing beyond the things that are and conceiving and idealizing what can be, and communicating the desire you idealize to other People