by Rick Baker
On Mar 1, 2012
Boil down your business.
That's what Robert Collier did at Volume 5 of his 1926 classic, 'The SECRET of the Ages'.
He stated, "Volumes have been written about personal efficiency, and general efficiency, and every other kind of efficiency in business."
Then he said,
"But when boiled down, it all comes to this:
- Know what you want.
- Analyze the thing you've got to do to get it.
- Plan your work ahead.
- Do one thing at a time.
- Finish that one thing and send it on its way before starting the next.
- Once started, KEEP GOING!"
I got a kick out of that straightforward, simple advice.
Points #4 and #5 are keys to developing talents involving Attention, Concentration, & Focus. They are also keys to overcoming frazzled Emotions.