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Choose Yourself Wisely

by Rick Baker
On May 8, 2014

At a recent roundtable, the self-discovery question was asked, "If you could make a 30 second speech to the entire world, what would you say?"

The following popped into my mind...

Choose Yourself Wisely: cut yourself more slack and provide yourself much more support; emulate heroes; set then work at strings of small goals; embrace life-long learning...and change your character for the better.




Some argue we have no choice, "We are what we are". We cannot change!

The 2-dimensional hero Popeye, for example, embraced that sort of thinking. He was known to repeat, "I am what I am".


We must help others understand they have the ability to self-improve. 



Change: Creating Positive Change

Thought Tweet #994

by Rick Baker
On May 8, 2014

Thought Tweet #994 If you're struggling with business, take a detailed look at how you deal with People, Processes, & Situations.


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

If you're struggling with business, take a detailed look - take a detailed look from a fresh, new perspective - at how you deal with People, Processes, & Situations.

When you do this you will discover your Bad Habits, the ones that are at the root of your struggles. When you know these Bad Habits you can remove them and replace them with Good Habits.

Copyright © 2012. W.F.C (Rick) Baker. All Rights Reserved.