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With a fanfare of keen sense of judgment, unleash creativity.

by Rick Baker
On Jul 30, 2014

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Keen Sense Of Justice - in his 1937 classic 'Think and Grow Rich', Napoleon Hill taught this leadership attribute. 

Somehow, our business leaders often miss this essential attribute. 

Perhaps, many business leaders see themselves as just too busy to spend time on considering their need to make people-decisions that confirm a keen sense of justice? 

Well then - just bear in mind the most successful people have more time.

Justice and judgment...related words...they're all about good decisions.

Magic happens when creativity meets good decisions.



Delegation & Decisions | Thought Tweets

Take a peek past the business of day-to-day life, catch another glimpse of your imagination.

by Rick Baker
On Jul 30, 2014

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

"Do not quench your inspiration and your imagination; do not become the slave of your model." Vincent Van Gogh


Thought Tweets

When we add creativity to a commodity it evolves beyond commodity.

by Rick Baker
On Jul 30, 2014

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Less than a generation ago specialized knowledge, alone, could tip the scale in favour of business success. Now, specialized knowledge is nowhere near as special as it used to be. Now, with the press of an 'Enter' button specialized knowledge can be shared broadly and deeply...globally. Now, a business that relies on specialized knowledge to tip the scale in its favour is dreaming. Now, specialized knowledge provides little protection and, at best, short-lived differential advantage. We can no longer protect our commodities with specialized-knowledge bubble wrapper. Those bubbles have burst.


Thought Tweets

Creativity is like a good sauce - you have to boil it down before it has the flavour.

by Rick Baker
On Jul 30, 2014

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

This is about one aspect of Seeking Simple!


Thought Tweets

Focus on Actions? or Focus on Outcomes?

by Rick Baker
On Jul 30, 2014

When we get the actions right the outcomes tend to naturally follow.

When we don’t get the outcomes we want we must change and improve our actions.

When we focus on actions too much we can choke.

When we are in the zone of excellent performance we envision and are pulled toward outcomes.

Focus on Actions? or Focus on Outcomes?

Success is maximized when we know when to select and how to perform the two strategies.


Thinking as in Think and Grow Rich

Copyright © 2012. W.F.C (Rick) Baker. All Rights Reserved.