by Rick Baker
On Jun 17, 2014
The Thinking Behind the Tweet
Unless, of course, you are leading which case you will want to be a booster and a rooster but you won't want to be a boaster or a roaster.
by Rick Baker
On Jun 17, 2014
The Thinking Behind the Tweet
Speaking of boring….did you hear the one about the termite who strolled into a pub, walked up to the counter, and asked “Is the bar tender here?”
by Rick Baker
On Jun 17, 2014
The Thinking Behind the Tweet
But, “If the world were a logical place, men would ride side-saddle.” [Rita Mae Brown]…in which case, “If two ride a horse, they are side-by-side.” But…maybe that’s only from the rider’s perspective…or riders’ perspectives. The horse and most outsiders would agree…”If two ride a horse, one must ride behind.”
Remember that if you are a boss, a subordinate or a partner in business.