by Rick Baker
On May 15, 2014
Thought Tweet #999.99 When we don't know the Why behind the problem our solutions do little to stop repeated errors.
The Thinking Behind The Tweet
When we solve a problem shouldn't we learn how to avoid its return?
Sure Problems exist to annoy us. But, don't they also exist to teach us?
by Rick Baker
On May 15, 2014
Thought Tweet #999.9 Overheard at the Placebo Plant..."Listen up Boss, I've got this great new product idea."
The Thinking Behind The Tweet
How would one go about recruiting employees for a placebo plant? What traits and qualities would one look for? Would quality control be discussed? How about customer service and customer satisfaction?
by Rick Baker
On May 15, 2014
Thought Tweet #999 Anxiety: be present, observe it in real time, do what it takes to control that demon.
The Thinking Behind The Tweet
Anxiety is in our genes...a legacy of the fight or flight that allowed our ancestors to bring us us.
In small doses, anxiety energizes and hones focus.
In too-large doses, anxiety becomes a demon and causes nothing but trouble.