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Don’t blame ‘lack of time’ when the real culprit is personal disorganization and self-imposed mayhem.

by Rick Baker
On May 19, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

If you free up a few moments, step back, ask yourself "How much time do I have?", and spend some quality time thinking before answering you just might find:

  1. You have only the present time, just like everyone else on the planet.
  2. Just like every other person on the planet, you really have no clue about how much time you have beyond the present moment.
If you think you don't have time you are right....at least from 2 perspectives:
  1. Like Henry Ford, paraphrased, "If you think you do or don't have time you're right."
  2. As any good philosopher or physicist will tell you - Time is an abstract concept...offering nothing tangible for you to possess

Better to climb mountains in your mind than on the back of your donkey-ego.

by Rick Baker
On May 13, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

May your molehills remain molehills and may your ego choose molehills over mountain climbing.

Refuse to allow your ego to join the mule trains climbing those mountains!


Attitude: Creating Positive Attitude | Beyond Business | Humour | Personalities @ Work | Thought Tweets

A thin skull allows important stuff to get in easier.

by Rick Baker
On May 6, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Mistakes bang into and bounce off thick skulls.

This annoys Mistakes because their role is teaching lessons.

The problem is: When thick skulls won't let them in Mistakes cannot teach lessons to thick-skulled brains.

So Mistakes keep coming back, knocking on thick skulls over and over and over again.

While Mistakes are born to be great teachers, over time they tend to develop an uppity attitude and a nasty sense of humour. Even when they've given up on teaching well-concealed brains Mistakes have no desire to stop knocking on the thick skulls that house those brains.

The key foresight point is: We can count on Mistakes to come back over and over again to knock on our skulls if we keep them thick.

The bottom line is: As long as our skulls remain thick we will never have the opportunity to learn the lessons taught by Mistakes.


May your ego refuse to jump over molehills to join the mule trains climbing all those mountains!

by Rick Baker
On Apr 29, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Sometimes those little voices in our heads goad us into thoughts and actions that really defy logic. Deep down we know the thoughts and actions are tainted and flawed, yet we allow them to grow and swell and sometimes get way out of control.

Sometimes we set aside all the good advice our mothers worked so hard to teach: for example, if you can't say something nice...

Sometimes we forget constructive criticism is an oxymoron.

You are the smartest person you really know.

by Rick Baker
On Jan 12, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

You are the only person you really know. That assumes you take the time and make the effort

After all...you spend so much time with yourself...you might as well:

  • Trust yourself.
  • Be yourself.
  • Enjoy yourself.


Beyond Business | Thought Tweets

Doubters don't build.

by Rick Baker
On Jan 11, 2020

The Thinking Behind the Tweet

Doubters criticize. Doubters demotivate. Doubters question when questions are simply annoying.

In these ways, doubters are destroyers.




Copyright © 2012. W.F.C (Rick) Baker. All Rights Reserved.