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“ifs, ANDs or BUTs” - an Ernest Seller episode

by Rick Baker
On Jan 23, 2015
Ernest Seller took one of those positive thinking courses and he learned sales people should never use the word BUT…instead of the word BUT, they should use the word AND.
Ernest Seller - Ernest Seller
Ernest Seller - Ernest Seller
With this new positive-thinking wisdom under his new white belt, Ernest Seller marched off to the office of his #1 Client, Mr. Kaye.
Ernest was so excited to share the news, without knocking, he rushed into Mr. Kaye’s office and blurted out, “Mr. Kaye, we shouldn’t use the word BUT anymore!”
Without skipping a beat or looking up from his files, Mr. Kaye softly said, “OK Ernest, I am going to give that a try. AND I’m really busy so if you don't leave my office right now Ernest I am going to kick your AND”.
Ernest Seller - Mr. Kaye


Ernest Seller

"The Genie" - an Ernest Seller episode

by Rick Baker
On Jan 16, 2015
Ernest Seller dreamt he, Don Trodden, and The Boss found a lamp containing one of those genies. Each got one wish.
Ernest wished he could be fishing with his buddies.
Poof! Ernest disappeared.
Ernest Seller - Ernest Seller
Ernest Seller - Don Trodden
Don Trodden scratched his head for a while then, much to The Boss’ surprise, Don wished to go back in time and be a sultan in a harem.
Poof! Don Trodden disappeared.
Finally, it was The Boss’ turn to make a wish.
The Boss looked the genie square in the eyes and he wished Ernest Seller and Don Trodden would be back at their desks in 60 seconds.
Ernest Seller - The Boss


Ernest Seller | Humour

“Fading Fast” - an Ernest Seller episode

by Rick Baker
On Jan 9, 2015
Ernest Seller - The New Guy
This is The New Guy.
He’s a bit green.
The other day The Boss was a little annoyed with The New Guy and he said, “I don’t know what your problem is but I bet it’s got at least 6 syllables”.
Ernest Seller - The Boss
Ernest Seller - The New Guy
The New Guy disappeared for 10 minutes then crawled into The Boss’ office and said:
“You’re right boss, I am feeling queasy. It’s hitting me hard. I better take the rest of the day off, visit my doctor…boy, I’m sure glad we have such a great medical plan”.


Ernest Seller | Humour

“The Performance Review”

by Rick Baker
On Jan 2, 2015
Ernest Seller - The Boxx
This is Ernest Seller’s boss.
His name is ‘The Boss’.
Nobody at the office remembers his real name…and he prefers it that way.
Ahh terrific…a New Year! And, just this morning, Ernest Seller was gearing himself up for his performance review.
The next thing he knows The Boss strolls in and says, “Ernest, what we’ve got here is…failure to communicate!”
Ernest Seller - Ernest
Ernest Seller - The Boss
Then the two of them had another excellent performance-review chat.
The Boss shared several quotes from prison movies then summed up with, “Ernest should go far…as soon as possible”.


Ernest Seller | Humour

Sometimes Ernest Seller responds to make-or-break situations by making errors & breaking rules.

by Rick Baker
On Jul 11, 2014

[No text]


Business Contains Only 3 Things | Ernest Seller | Thought Tweets

Thought Tweet #638

by Rick Baker
On Dec 26, 2012

Thought Tweet #638 Ernest Seller's barber is an ex-boxer. Ernest is at the barber shop with him now...about to get an uppercut.


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Not sure why we celebrate boxing every year...anyhow...it always reminds me of when I was a kid and wanted to try my hands at boxing...had a problem with my hands....the ref kept stepping on them.



Ernest Seller | Thought Tweets

Copyright © 2012. W.F.C (Rick) Baker. All Rights Reserved.