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by Rick Baker
On Aug 11, 2011
Self-Confidence is the 1st accomplishment.
I have often told the story of Alexander the Great who eased his commanders’ fears and inspired his army by telling them they were guaranteed to win because they had one thing the enemy lacked. When his followers asked them about the one thing that would guarantee victory, Alexander the Great answered, “We have me.”
Now, to be clear, when I tell that story I make sure to mention I have no way of knowing if this is just legend, let alone the exact words used by Alexander the Great. However, the history books confirm his father was a warrior-king and Alexander was private schooled by Aristotle. Alexander was a young fellow at the time he became ruler. Think about people today who become famous at a young age. If we compare Alexander the Great to the rock stars of today, he would be at least a stage full of them. If compared to the business leaders of today, he would be at least the Chairman of the Board of at least a few upstart car makers, oil producers, and technology disruptors.
So, some 2300 years ago we had this young Alexander fellow with a huge amount of fame and absolute power. Perhaps, it could have gone to his head just a little bit. Perhaps, he did say things like “We’re gonna win because we got me”.
On a much lesser scale, of course, I have made similar claims. I have seen myself as the best person to do the job at hand.
Isn’t that a big piece of the definition of entrepreneur?
Entrepreneurs and leaders need to be the difference makers…isn’t that right?
A leader must be confident about his ability to succeed…right?
A leader must be confident about her ability to succeed…right?
None of us wants to follow an unconfident leader.
None of us wants to be an unconfident leader.
Some of us feel confidence is near or at the top of the list of leadership attributes.
To be crystal clear: I think self-confidence is very, very close to the top of that list.


Definitions - Spirited Words Defined | Entrepreneur Thinking | Hero Worship

“Running the Business Run”

by Rick Baker
On Jul 15, 2011
You: the Leader
The Situation: The business is in a start-up mode, or a re-directed mode, and everyone seems to be struggling too much.
Preamble: You don’t know whether you should:
  • send everyone home so you can concentrate on getting some work done or
  • crack the whip
  • take another shot at leading with passion and inspiration
As you are just about to make the right choice, the following thoughts hit you…
Running a business is a different thing than talking about running a business.
Consider ‘talking the talk’ and ‘walking the walk’.
Running a business is, by the words themselves, definitely something more than ‘talking the talk’. In fact it must be something more fast-paced than ‘walking the walk’. Nobody says, “Hey, let’s go and walk a business.” People always say, “Run a business.” Just taking the words as they are, ‘running a business’ must be about ‘Running the Run’. That’s more than and better than either ‘talking the talk’ or ‘walking the walk’.
‘Running the Run’ is clearly cranking it up a notch.
‘Running the Run’ is about giving the business an out-of-the-blocks chance to get over the 80/20 Business-Failure hurdle. It is about giving the business a fighting chance to be there for the tough race that lies ahead.
Like any other ‘race’, ‘Running a business’ is about mental toughness. It is about training. It is about competing. It is about understanding what it takes to win. It is then about doing what it takes to win.
‘Thinking the think’ is the right first step: Napoleon Hill, for example helps in this area by showing us how to spend time obtaining the value of thought and autosuggestion.
‘Talking the talk’ can be a good next step too: Muhammad Ali, for example, showed the link between thought and talk and results. He said, “I am the greatest.” Then he proved it.
After ‘talking the talk’, ‘walking the walk’ is a required next step: consider the great leader Mahatma Gandhi.... now that guy was a talker and a walker. And, from what I know about him, he ranks as my favourite lawyer.
But, ‘Running the Run’...that’s where the rubber hits the road. Actually, that’s more than a just a metaphor. That’s double entendre...maybe even triple.
"Running the Run"…now these 4 fellows could really run the run
  • Achilles (who got the eternal fame history tells us he craved)
  • Roger Bannister (who did what was impossible…he broke the 4:00 minute mile)
  • Forrest Gump...not only did that guy get lots of money, but even though he acted a little strange everybody seemed to really like him and he ended up getting an Oscar for it.
  • Terry Fox...A Canadian inspiration…got himself on a coin. Not many Canadians have done that.
With that running the run inspiration completed.....
Are you prepared to do what it takes to ‘Run the Run’ for your business?
I mean: Do you really want to run your own business? As Napoleon Hill said, is your desire white-hot, burning? Or is that just talk? Just a wishful dream?
Nothing wrong with dreaming....as long as you know and admit you are asleep while it is happening.
White-hot desire….tough to sleep through that!


80/20 Rule | Attitude: Creating Positive Attitude | Hero Worship | Leaders' Thoughts

Human All Too Human

by Rick Baker
On Jul 14, 2011
Father-to-Son Business Lesson #28
From the 2005/2006 series of Father-to-Son Business Lessons…
A little advice on people, failing, succeeding…and not giving up.
As you ‘get it’...I hope you enjoy ‘getting it’.
These things I am suggesting may not work for you. On the other hand, these ways have worked for me.
Certainly, I’ve had my share of failures. Actually, I’ve had way more than my share. But, that’s not a problem. Business life is about a long string of successes and failures. Probably, for everyone - many more failures than successes. That isn’t important enough to waste more time on.
What is important is: and important in this sequence, as Business Lesson #28: what do you think is going to happen next?...and, what are you doing to make it happen?
When I look to the future, I think of the amazing things that can happen. Sure there’s a maze ahead. What do I do about it: well, in my own way, I try to make things happen.
Sometimes easy things.
Sometimes tough things.
Whatever seems the best approach at the time.
I do think it is important to be positive.
But to me, of more importance, we must be realistic.
If it ain’t broken...win with it. If it is broken...then at least recognize that and learn from that as you lose the game (but not the series).
Make changes in an effort to learn: about yourself, about other people, and about business.
As Einstein more-or-less said: “If you keep doing the same things and you expect different results then you are a fool.
As you father says, “Many times you better change direction when you hit the wall of the business maze....on other occasions you must keep the course and gnaw your way through the underbrush.”
And, “There are reasons why, of all the animals, they put rats in mazes. Rats are smart, they are curious, and they have sharp teeth capable of gnawing through almost anything. Rats see no faze in the maze.”


Family Business and CFFB | Father-to-Son Lessons | Hero Worship

Do you believe in the concept "Mastermind"?

by Rick Baker
On Jun 23, 2011
I don’t mean the ‘Mastermind’ you find when you look up the word in a dictionary…which yields something like ‘a creative person who directs a project’.
I mean the ‘Mastermind’ described by Napoleon Hill in his classic motivational book ‘Think and Grow Rich’ and in his other writings.
In summary, Napoleon Hill defined Mastermind as the ‘new mind’ that is created when two or more people work together in perfect harmony toward a shared goal.
Napoleon Hill gave credit to Andrew Carnegie. He said Andrew Carnegie planned and used a Mastermind to generate his enormous business success. Apparently, when interviewed, Henry Ford confirmed he had used the Carnegie ‘formula for success’ to generate his enormous business success. Both Carnegie and Ford were among the richest and most-powerful business men of their time.
And, assuming the records are accurate, we can conclude each of these 3 men – Carnegie, Ford, and Hill – believed when 2 or more people work together, in perfect harmony, toward a common goal they generate an intangible force that can be likened to another mind. And, the power of this new mind is available to all the people in the group.
And…these 3 men were not alone in this thinking. Other tremendously successful business people, politicians, and people in other disciplines believed in the power of the Mastermind as Napoleon Hill defined it.
Thomas Edison believed it and ‘lived it’.
Alexander Graham Bell also believed it and used it to his advantage.
Do you believe it?
Do you believe in the concept Mastermind?


Hero Worship | Leaders' Thoughts

Sales Tweet #243

by Rick Baker
On Jun 22, 2011
Sales Tweet #243 Life is like a mirror, if you frown at it, it frowns back; if you smile, it returns the greeting.
The Thinking Behind the Sales Tweet
That little saying reminds me of a story Napoleon Hill told. A down-and-out fellow, living in the streets of Chicago made one last desperate attempt to get help…while contemplating suicide. He visited Napoleon Hill. [In summary] Hill said he could introduce the fellow to a man who could remove all the troubles and woe. He guided the down-and-out fellow to another room. He stood the fellow in front of something covered in a sheet. As the fellow stood in front of it, Hill removed the sheet to reveal a full-length mirror.


Hero Worship | Thought Tweets

Sales Tweet #230

by Rick Baker
On Jun 3, 2011
Sales Tweet #230 "Old and adequate ideas, like old and adequate cities, come to polarize everything around them.”
The Thinking Behind the Sales Tweet
This is a quote of Edward de Bono, from one of his early books 'The Use of Lateral Thinking'. The question to ask is, "Are adequate ideas good enough?" If your answer is anything but "Yes" then it is time to inject some fresh ideas…some 'New Things'. [As in - People only do 3 Things: Good Habits, Bad Habits, & New Things]


Hero Worship | Thought Tweets

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