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Don't delegate any task you cannot do yourself...except software engineering.

by Rick Baker
On Jan 18, 2021

Clint Eastwood taught those villains, "A man must know his limitations."

Similarly, a man must understand he is at risk when he delegates beyond his limitations.

Yes, I known this also applies to women, however, Clint Eastwood didn't shoot women...at least I don't recall seeing him shoot women or instructing them on limitations.

OK - people, both women and men, must know their limitations and they must understand they should think about the risks before they delegate work that exceeds their capabilities.

So, one Master Rule is – Don’t delegate a task you cannot do yourself.

From time to time, leaders need to do the dirty jobs. [The jobs everyone can do but nobody enjoys doing.] If leaders choose to delegate all the dirty jobs then they will surely alienate some people….perhaps, most followers.

At the other end of the spectrum, leaders get into trouble when they delegate tasks that are beyond their capability. As examples - troubles follow when the time required for tasks is underestimated, when the complexity of tasks is underestimated, and when the resources required for tasks are underestimated. The best way to know the time, complexity, and resources of tasks is firsthand experience doing the tasks.

So, one Master Rule is – Don’t delegate a task you cannot do yourself.

…unless, of course, those tasks are software engineering!


Delegation & Decisions | Hero Worship | Humour | Master Rules

"Prediction is very difficult, especially if it's about the future." [a quote, far from Yogi Berra and Mark Twain]

by Rick Baker
On Dec 17, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

While those words could have come from the lips of Yogi Berra or Mark Twain, they did not.

It is a quote from the Danish Physicist, Niels Bohr (1885-1962). Bohr had a terrific personality and [it seems] sense of humour.

And, of course, he was a deep thinker. Here is another example: The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth.

When tempted by worries...think of this Niels Bohr quote.


"I had to succeed because I finally ran out of things that wouldn't work."

by Rick Baker
On Dec 6, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

According to Napoleon Hill, Thomas Edison said that while talking about his persistence while working through 10,000 attempts to create the light bulb.


Attitude: Creating Positive Attitude | Hero Worship | Thought Tweets

Seek the upside in ordinary tasks: seeking simple work and doing it well; knowing its link to positive outcomes.

by Rick Baker
On Nov 26, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

As the old saying goes, "There is satisfaction in a job well done."

There is more satisfaction when:

1.     You know the work, even if it is the most-simple of tasks, is a step toward a positive outcome and

2.     You do the work well.

Some people know this.

Others have to learn this.

Some have to teach this.

Leaders illustrate this by example: Mahatma Gandhi took pride in simplicity and the practice of walking; Napoleon Bonaparte took pride in the science and the practice of aiming cannons. 


Hero Worship | Leaders' Thoughts | Seeking Simple! | Thought Tweets | Values: Personal Values

If you do not know your limitations then your willpower won't.

by Rick Baker
On Nov 23, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

"A man's got to know his limitations." Clint Eastwood said that when he played Dirty Harry in 'Magnum Force', (1973).

If you know yourself and you know your limitations then you have a fighting chance to know when you will need willpower. If you do not know your limitations then your willpower won't.


Hero Worship | Thought Tweets | Wisdom: Surviving the Test of Time

Leadership grit grinds & grows.

by Rick Baker
On Nov 12, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

John Wayne is one of my heroes. Every time I hear the word 'grit' I think of Rooster Cogburn, the character John Wayne played when he won the Best Actor Oscar for his role in 'True Grit'. More specifically, I think of the scene where he took on all the bad guys and won. The above picture shows Rooster charging at the bad guys...guns a blazin'...the perfect hero.

Grit - firmness of mind or spirit : unyielding courage in the face of hardship or danger

Not just in the movies but also in real life, John Wayne had true grit.

We need more leaders with true grit.


Hero Worship | Leaders' Thoughts | Thought Tweets

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