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In awe of fiery-magnetism

by Rick Baker
On Apr 13, 2015

Around you, the earth is scorched…burned with lack of trust.


Somehow: you don't even see the tortured soil or the burning or the burned.

Somehow: oblivious, you sear through leadership with distorted appreciation of your power of ignition.

Somehow: you are fiery-magnetic; you attract the kindling required for your fires; the kindling willingly delivers itself into your flames.


You accomplish great feats.

You accomplish great injury.

You place your mark on people, both literally and figuratively.


There is awe in leadership by fiery-magnetism.


Hero Worship | Leaders' Thoughts | Personalities @ Work

The Lost Art of Silence

by Rick Baker
On Jan 7, 2015

"Silence was meaningful with the Lakota, and his granting a space of silence before talking was done in the practice of true politeness and regardful of the rule that "thought comes before speech"." "Silence meant to the Lakota what it meant to Disraeli when he said, "Silence is the mother of truth", for the silent man was ever to be trusted, while the man ever ready with speech was never taken seriously." 

Chief Luther Standing Bear





Chief Luther Standing Bear                              Benjamin Disraeli       


Hero Worship | Influencing

Talk about communication gaps...when you gaze into the communication abyss it screams back at you.

by Rick Baker
On Aug 29, 2014

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

The biggest problem in business continues to be communication gaps...which continue to broaden & deepen and, far too often, are ignored or set aside for another day.

Improvement of Communication begins with the leader.

Yes, Nietzsche gazed into the abyss and it returned the favour. Gaze into Communication at your business. Does it scream in discomfort at you? What do you plan to do about that?

As the saying goes...If not today, WHEN? If not you, WHO?


Communication: Improving Communication | Hero Worship | Humour | Thought Tweets

On Influence

by Rick Baker
On Mar 24, 2014

Influence is the magical part of leadership.

Influence is the magic that allows leaders to convert Vision and Desire into amazing actions and thrilling accomplishments.

So...How does one positively Influence others along the road to success?

Q: Does one need to be Intelligent?

A: Yes.

Q: Does one need to master Self-Control?

A: Yes

Q: Does one have to have Integrity?

A: Yes...if the success is to be constructive and sustained.

Q: Does one have to know People, Processes, & Situations?

A: Yes.

Q: Any other things?

A: Yes...here's 5...and here's 5 more...and here's another 5...and there's more.


What do the wise have to say about Influence? 

My favourite inspirational educator, Napoleon Hill said...

"Think twice before you speak, because your words and influence will plant the seed of either success or failure in the mind of another."

One of my heroes, Napoleon Bonaparte, said...

"The herd seek out the great, not for their sake but for their influence; and the great welcome them out of vanity or need."

Dale Carnegie, who wrote the book on how to win friends and influence people, said...

“When dealing with people, let us remember we are not dealing with creatures of logic. We are dealing with creatures of emotion, creatures bristling with prejudices and motivated by pride and vanity.” 

Clint Eastwood, a widely respected Hollywood icon, said...

"It takes tremendous discipline to control the influence, the power you have over other people's lives."

And an unknown author said...

"Influence may be the highest level of human skills."


If you want to be a great leader, or a good leader, or even a leader who accomplishes a few meaningful things...it's tough to argue that last point.

PS: Sustained positive Influence is the cause that leads to trust.


And another 5 ways to Influence

by Rick Baker
On Jan 31, 2014

Understand People Do Only 3 Things: Good Habits, Bad Habits, & New Things

Good Habits are things people think and do that help them achieve long-term desires and goals. Bad Habits are things that people think and do that do not help them achieve long-term desires and goals. Good leaders use these simple definitions to inject clarity into their lives. Then good leaders work at reducing their performance of Bad Habits and expanding their performance of Good Habits. And, good leaders test New Things...relentlessly seeking more Good Habits.

Take Talent To Task

Good leaders are fascinated by people's talents. When people's talents show a capability of aligning with the trust of the leader's goals, good leaders ensure the talented person has access to (1) opportunities to put the talent to productive use, (2) specialized knowledge to complement the talent, and (3) time to practice skills to hone the talent into a personal strength. Then good leaders don't leave things to chance - they help people connect personal strengths to important tasks. 

Don’t force change…construct it with comfort

Good leaders know change is constructive only when people are comfortable. And personal and business growth happens when people learn how to expand their comfort zones. Knowing these things, good leaders consider people's comfort/stress levels and design change in increments that help expand comfort zones without triggering the destructive consequences that naturally happen when people are forced into discomfort zones. Good leaders also know this correct approach to change 'dominoes' as confidence escalates.

Repeat clearly, "I do have time!"

Good leaders know the importance of leading by example. So, they know if they say "I don't have time" or "I'm too busy" their followers will pick up on that, think the same way, talk the same way, and act accordingly...spreading the lack-of-abundance mindset to one and all. Knowing this, good leaders remove the "I don't have time" & "I'm too busybad habit from their thoughts and words. They replace the bad habit with good habits: as examples, they apply the 80/20 Rule and they practice abundance thought and solution talk.

Change character for the better

All great leaders changed their character. Perhaps Abraham Lincoln performed one of the greatest self-transformations. When he was a young man he had the habit of openly criticizing other people. In 1842 Lincoln publicly criticized Illinois state employee James Shields. Shields took exception to the criticism and challenged Lincoln to a duel. The 2 men faced one another with weapons in hands. Fortunately their seconds intervened. Lincoln used the incident as a life-lesson and he chose to change his character for the better...rarely criticizing others. Lincoln's change of character took him from the dueling field to the White House. 

The Vivid Vision of JFK

by Rick Baker
On Nov 22, 2013

When I was a young boy I had a small group of very close buddies. We played together. We played sports like baseball and football. We fought now and again. And we play-fought all the time. We played pirates. We played Cowboys and Indians. We played army games. Bang, bang…you’re dead.

One Friday afternoon, when I was in Grade 3, our teacher told us the President of the United States had been shot and killed.

I remember walking home with my buddies. Laughing and playing…bang, bang…you’re dead.

When I got home, I headed for the refrigerator and I found my Mom in the kitchen…crying like I had never seen before. I remember that afternoon like it was yesterday. I remember my Mom sobbing, unable to talk clearly. I panicked, not understanding what was wrong.  When she could talk she explained she was heartbroken over the death of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the President of the United States.

I remember exactly how I felt that afternoon, including the joy I had playing with my friends, the panic about my Mom, and the guilt over my ignorance.

Later, I understood why my Mom and all my friends’ Moms cried that day.

That was the day the Vision known as ‘Camelot’ died.

The death of that Vision shook my world and took a big piece of my childish innocence.


Hero Worship | Vision: The Leader's Vivid Vision

Copyright © 2012. W.F.C (Rick) Baker. All Rights Reserved.