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Take The Time-Out To Think...

by Rick Baker
On May 24, 2012

Take the time out to think...

Apparently, Julius Caesar said, "Under my tent in the fiercest struggle of war I have always found time to think of many other things."

This, to me, is an example of successful people have more time

Now, you can interpret that Julius Caesar quote many ways - as examples:

  • He had a unique ability to select topics for his thoughts even under the most-difficult situations.
  • He found a way to shut out undesirable noise and distraction so he could think about things important to him.
  • He excelled at selecting leaders of men and delegating the actions of war.
  • He was a very confident fellow.
Probably, all of the above are true.
Some people are naturally gifted with an ability to concentrate under difficult situations. Those who do not possess this natural ability can develop it. It is true - most people will not be able to develop concentration and thought-power to the level attributed to Julius Caesar. Then again - business people don't have to lead Roman armies. 
Business people can develop the ability to concentrate on important things even while fires are being fought around them. Today, more than ever, this is a necessary skill to develop.
Four of the keys to this skill are:
  • getting present
  • using simple tools
  • practicing
  • conditioning via baby steps

An Introduction to Time Management - Part 3

by Rick Baker
On Apr 26, 2012

Take Command of Your Day…and don’t call that process Time Management

Time Management is a misnomer.

Really, when we say those words we are talking about Task Management and Self-Management. And, there is an important distinction between managing tasks and managing self. The key distinction is one must precede the other. Self-Management is the first thing.

Two of the greatest gifts a person can possess are intelligence and self-control.

Both of these gifts are housed in the brain…our emotion and information processing powerhouse.

If we want to manage our workload or ‘To Do List’ of actions and tasks then we must first manage our thoughts.

We can manage our thoughts by:

  • wanting to – truly desiring to - change for the better,
  • using our intelligence – focusing and thinking - to figure out how,
  • planning the habit – a Good Habit – of self-monitoring,
  • planning a habit – a Good Habit – of self-regulating,
  • organizing - creating - better ways to think about and perform work tasks
  • using our will power to initiate, maintain, and grow those Good Habits of thought,
  • backing up our Good Habits of thought with persistent, consistent, goal-aimed actions, and 
  • taking on, focusing on, and attending to one task at a time. 

When we manage our thoughts that way and back them up with actions we make full use of our innate, but often overlooked, gift of self-control. We are organized. When we do these things we are able to do a much better job of handling crises. And, of even more importance, we are able to do a much better job of avoiding crises. 

When we have mastered self-control we have mastered tasks...and time, as it always has, will take care of itself.


Link to An Introduction to Time Management - Part 1

Link to An Introduction to Time Management - Part 2

Link to 'Time' Management 

Link to Successful People Have More Time

An Introduction to Time Management - Part 2

by Rick Baker
On Apr 25, 2012

The business world rewards clarity.

Brain-energy: we should put that to its best use.

When people, processes, and situations are clear business can be both effective and efficient…and all that leads to pleasing bottom-line profits.

When people are not clear other people misunderstand them and their messages. Misunderstandings add distraction to an already-complex-enough world and workday. Misunderstandings are time-wasters and money-wasters and, even worse, they are energy-wasters. Specifically, when people are not clear brain-energy is wasted because it is consumed by confused thoughts.

When processes are not clear they are not understood and they are not followed. This creates confusion and it multiplies the amount of decisions required. This consumes and wastes brain-energy. To the extent people disagree with one another’s interpretations of processes or decisions about processes, again, brain-energy is wasted.

When situations are not clear the people in those situations must use extra brain-energy to get their bearings and determine proper actions. When people deal with unknowns it places special demands on their brains and it often triggers negative emotions and mindsets such as fear, doubt, worry, frustration, and anger. These negatives consume brain-energy.

Every person has a limited amount of brain-energy. Experts say the human brain consumes about 20% of the energy consumed by the human body. The brain represents about 2% of body weight…yet, it consumes 20% of the energy.

Where does all that energy go?

In simple terms, the brain uses up the energy doing 4 things:

  1. Overseeing the operations of the body…all those involuntary but necessary  things we take for granted…like breathing, growing fingernails, and digesting food
  2. Handling other subconscious things…all those things that few if any of us really understand…like, emotions, where do hunches come from?, and how did we ever come up with that weird dream?
  3. Processing incoming stimuli…what we see, hear, feel, smell, and taste…perhaps more?
  4. In conjunction with the mind, processing conscious thought, which leads to conscious action and more conscious thought 

These 4 things are ranked.

Conscious thought doesn’t get the gold, or the silver, or even the bronze. Thought sits in fourth place.

That’s why people say they do not have enough time.

The neurons in their brains are very busy doing lots of other things.


Link to An Introduction to Time Management - Part 1

Link to An Introduction to Time Management - Part 3

Link to 'Time' Management 

Link to Successful People Have More Time







An Introduction to Time Management - Part 1

by Rick Baker
On Apr 24, 2012

Time Management...even though those are the wrong words...you know what I mean. I'm talking about feeling good about the pace of your work and the pace of your life. I'm talking about feeling you have control over the things you face.

A need to have a feeling of control: that's the root we are trying to get at when we work at time management. 

When we believe work and life are reeling out of control, we feel uncomfortable. We feel uncomfortable because we feel rushed, confused, and too busy. When we feel like that we complain we do not have enough time. We brainwash ourselves into thinking and saying 'time' is at the root of our problem.

Let's take a more objective approach.

We know many or most of us are naturally inclined to skirt the blame for things and place the blame on others. Psychologists, for example, talk about attribution bias. Also, for some reason, when we feel we are too busy we blame it on 'time'...we say we don't have enough of it.

Time, or lack of it, is not our problem. On top of that, even if it was the problem we cannot manage time.

Time is beyond our control.

We can, however, control what we are thinking and what we are doing as 'time passes'.

Really, those are the only two things we can control; we can control the way we think and we can control the way we act.

If we want to feel less rushed, less confused, and less busy then we need to do the following:

  • stop blaming the problem on ‘not enough time’
  • start treating the problem as an issue of self-management
  • realize self-control is one of the most important capabilities in life
  • treat the symptoms of the problem: Habits – that is, replace Bad Habits with Good Habits

Link to An Introduction to Time Management - Part 2

Link to An Introduction to Time Management - Part 3


Link to 'Time' Management 

Link to Successful People Have More Time

Thought Tweet #448

by Rick Baker
On Apr 4, 2012

Thought Tweet #448 Don't let Situations catch you unprepared...anticipate Situations, engage forethought


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

So many people think they are 'too busy' when the reality is they are 'too unprepared'. They live a business life consumed by a repeated series of fire-fights. Many of the fire-fights are directly linked to specific individuals' behaviour. And, habits being what they are, to a very large degree, behaviour is predictable. Think of a probable Situation. Think of who will be in the Situation. Think of how the people in the Situation will act. Plan your best Actions before the fires start. 


Business Contains Only 3 Things | I'm too busy! - I don't have time! | Thought Tweets

Thought Tweet #428

by Rick Baker
On Mar 7, 2012

Thought Tweet #428 Do you have mental chatter? Can you stop that chatter when you choose to?


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Controlling mental chatter: that's one of the most important aspects of self-management [which some people call Time Management or Time Leadership]. Perhaps, some people possess a natural ability to control their mental chatter? Perhaps, some people are born with a predisposition that causes them to experience much less mental chatter than the average person? If you are one of those people - terrific. You are a naturally-gifted self-manager. You possess genius because you possess focus and concentration excellence.

Copyright © 2012. W.F.C (Rick) Baker. All Rights Reserved.