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Thought Tweet #710

by Rick Baker
On Apr 5, 2013

Thought Tweet #710 Leaders who cannot see their forest need a good pruning.


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Some leaders do not have time to plan. Actually, they DO have enough time...they struggle with how to use time. That is an infectious condition. It tends to spread from the leader to others in the organization. Soon, there's a not-enough-time epidemic throughout the workplace.

Consider the Feeling: 'I do not have enough time.' When you think you do not have enough time, how does that feel? It cannot feel good...can it? Fighting against the clock...all day...every day... That cannot feel good. Throwing up your hands and surrendering to the hands of a clock...and spreading the surrender to others at your workplace. That cannot feel good.

So -

  • Why do so many leaders feel they do not have enough time?
  • When we dig deep, what lies at the root of that problem-tree?
  • Certainly, a good pruning is part of the solution...Don't you agree?

Links to some other articles:


I'm too busy! - I don't have time! | Leaders' Thoughts | Thought Tweets

Thought Tweet #692

by Rick Baker
On Mar 12, 2013

Thought Tweet #692 Aren’t you glad you work with people who are not too busy to learn how to improve at business?


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Don't you wish everybody did?

@GKWCC #P2P: From the CEO's perspective - time is more important than money!

by Rick Baker
On Jan 10, 2013

This @GKWCC #P2P series of thought tweets contains ideas, quotes, & suggestions provided by local business leaders at "CEO Peer-to-Peer" group meetings, sponsored by the Greater Kitchener Waterloo Chamber of Commerce.

The goals of the thought tweets: to help local business leaders and to promote the sharing of business thoughts.

The thoughts expressed are not opinions of the Greater Kitchener Waterloo Chamber of Commerce...they are opinions of local business leaders who are Chamber members and participate in the Chamber's CEO P2P program.

Thought Tweet #649

by Rick Baker
On Jan 10, 2013

Thought Tweet #649 One key to business success is freeing up as much time as possible for not-Routine work. 


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

  1. When we systematize routine work it can be done quicker, with fewer errors. Seeking Simple
  2. When we do routine work quicker we have more time for not-Routine work.
  3. not-Routine work contains the most Value and the only Value that is resistant to commoditization.
  4. So, more time spent on not-Routine work means more time creating value.
  5. And, more time creating Value means higher returns on investment...and more profit.


Thought Tweet #624

by Rick Baker
On Dec 6, 2012

Thought Tweet #624 When business leaders can step aside, understand their challenges, and express them without bias...solutions are at hand.


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

When you are in the heat of day-to-day business work, leadership work, it seems difficult to free up the time to be objective...to step aside and consider the situation in an unbiased way. Regardless, this needs to be done if challenges are to be kept in context and understood. And, these are the first steps toward taking significant business-growth steps.


I'm too busy! - I don't have time! | Solutions & Opportunities | Thought Tweets

Thought Tweet #621

by Rick Baker
On Dec 3, 2012

Thought Tweet #621 Procrastination feeds on negative feelings....so, you can put it on a diet.


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

You can reduce your negative feelings and starve procrastination. Or, you can approach procrastination with positive feelings and...procrastinate for success.


Emotions & Feelings @ Work | I'm too busy! - I don't have time! | Thought Tweets

Copyright © 2012. W.F.C (Rick) Baker. All Rights Reserved.