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Sales Tweet #184

by Rick Baker
On Mar 31, 2011
Sales Tweet #184 If you think you are too busy then you have set the limit on the amount of value you can generate.
The Thinking Behind the Sales Tweet
I believe successful people have more time. I have written Thought Posts about it. At a recent conference I was fortunate to join a group of business leaders who presented their thoughts to University of Toronto students…those successful people had the time to do this on a Saturday… 500 students obtained value.


I'm too busy! - I don't have time! | Thought Tweets

Eckhart Tolle…writes about Time

by Rick Baker
On Jan 13, 2011
A month ago, one of the LinkedIn groups asked a question ‘What is time?”. That started an exchange of thoughts. One fellow mentioned Eckhart Tolle would have views about Time. I said I would write to him to check it out firsthand. So, I wrote to Eckhart Tolle to ask him to explain his views of Time.
I let him know I had read some of his books and I knew he had commented on Time and I was interested in a summary of his views.
I have not, as yet, received Eckhart Tolle’s response.
However, my sister gave me a copy of his 2005 book titled ‘A New Earth, Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose’.
In that book, Eckhart Tolle writes about Time.
Here are some excerpts:
At the section titled ‘The Paradox of Time’…
‘The space of Now is confused with what happens in that space. The confusion of the present moment with content gives rise not only to the illusion of time, but also the illusion of ego.’
Note: Time is an illusion…Eckhart Tolle has written that more than once.
That captures a piece of his view of Time.
At the next section titled ‘Eliminating Time’...
“Time, that is to say, past and future, is what the false mind-made self, the ego, lives on, and time is in your mind. It isn’t something that has an objective existence “out there”. It is a mind-structure needed for sensory perception, indispensable for practical purposes, but the greatest hindrance to knowing yourself. Time is the horizontal dimension of life, the surface layer of reality. Then there is the vertical dimension of depth, accessible to you only through the portal of the present moment.
So instead of adding time to yourself, remove time.”
Eckhart Tolle then goes on to talk about two types of time: clock time and psychological time.
That is another piece of his view of Time.
A link to Eckhart Tolle http://www.eckharttolle.com/home


Beyond Business | I'm too busy! - I don't have time!

About Time

by Rick Baker
On Jan 6, 2011
I don’t have enough time to do that!
How often do you say that? How often do you think that?
Do you ever question whether or not that is true?
I have been thinking about Time quite a bit lately.
I started thinking about Time a couple of months ago when, one after another, I heard a number of people say they did not have time to do this or to do that. It expanded when a friend asked me if I had read anything by the [Canadian] author Eckhart Tolle1. It expanded more when the people in the LinkedIn group called Positive Thinkers started to exchange ideas about Time.
While this was going on I wrote Thought Posts expressing an opinion Successful people have more time2. Some people argued this was absolutely impossible. Other people said they agreed with the view. And, the LinkedIn group discussion of Time continues. And, I wrote and asked Eckhart Tolle if he would share his thoughts about Time. I know, in one of his CDs, he said “Time is an illusion”. Perhaps, that’s enough said?
Eckhart Tolle teaches the Power of Now and the Art of Presence:
  • We only have the present.
  • When the present passes, it becomes the past...and it is gone. It is at best a memory.
  • The future is not guaranteed to any of us. If it arrives then it arrives as the next piece of ‘the present’.
So, I am about ready to set aside the question “What is Time?” Although, before I do that I will restate my views:
  • Time is an organizing-tool designed by Man.
  • Time is an introductory effort at measuring the incomprehensible [universe].
Setting aside the definition of Time, most people would agree each of us has ‘the present’. And, during our lives we have a string of pieces of ‘the present’. As each piece of ‘the present’ passes it becomes the past. As the next piece of ‘the present’ arrives it ceases to be the future. We do not know how many pieces of ‘the present’ will come to us. All we know for sure is we have ‘the present’.
We can succeed if we make the best use of the present. Successful people have 2 good habits:
  1. They do better at defining what success means to them
  2. They make the better use of the present
I continue to think successful people have more time.
  1. I have now listened to several Eckhart Tolle audio books. A link to .Eckhart Tolle
  2. Successful people have more time links Successful People Have More Time and About Time

Successful people have more time….sharing another thought

by Rick Baker
On Dec 8, 2010
Who is your biggest critic?
Who consumes a huge chunk of your time…day after day after day?
If you are like the vast majority of us then the answer is…
  • that nagging, incessant voice of dissatisfaction in your head
  • that little voice which, for most of us, sounds like our own voice and seems to talk at us from a place just inside our heads behind the base of our nose
That little voice keeps rehashing our past errors and reminds us of past difficulties. That little voice repeats and repeats would’a’, could’a’, should’a’ and that little voice never runs out of topics to talk about.
That little voice keeps telling us we must worry about future problems.
That little voice talks on with unwavering insistence in its ability to predict the future…I mean, predicting the negatives that will visit us in the future: the problems, the difficulties and the what ifs.
We listen to that negative-chatterbox voice…it is so tough to ignore it.
We let it mess up our concentration during the daytime.
We let it mess up our sleep at night.
We let that little voice consume huge amounts of our time.
To the extent you can quiet that little voice you will be more successful and you will have more time.

Sales Tweet #79

by Rick Baker
On Nov 4, 2010
Sales Tweet #79 Free up some time by improving your concentration skill. CDs and books will educate you on concentration.
The Thinking Behind the Sales Tweet
This is the 2nd Sales Tweet linked to the Thought Post titled ‘Successful People Have More Time’. These Sales Tweets contain suggestions on how to make better use of that most-precious resource – Our Time.
This Sales Tweets series is called “Free up some time”. Each tweet in the series starts with the words Free up some time…so this series of suggestions will stand out in the www.spiritedezine.com website.
Note: I have avoided calling these ‘time-management’ suggestions. A more accurate description would be ‘action-management’ suggestions….or ‘thought-management’ suggestions.
As the introduction - Free up some time – states, the suggestions are aimed at creating Good Habits that, at the end of the day, allow us to feel ‘WOW - that was a day well spent’.
As the series progresses, I will begin to provide CD and book recommendations.
A link to the ‘Successful People Have More Time’ Thought Post.


I'm too busy! - I don't have time! | Thought Tweets

Beginning to Answer Rhonda’s question…”About Time”

by Rick Baker
On Oct 26, 2010
Thank you for your question.
The quick answer is, “One must change the way one thinks about time”.
Time is a concept. Time is an underestimated abstraction.
Now, I recognize this sort of theoretical mumbo-jumbo will not be helpful so I will limit it [for now] and only make a few points. First, a century ago, Einstein altered the way Man considers time. The way Man viewed time before Einstein is an example of what I mean by an ’underestimated abstraction’. And, Einstein only scratched the surface of time…granted he made a huge scratch.
Here’s another point, not quite so theoretical: a person’s perception of time is influenced by many things.
Here are a few examples:
  • People facing imminent danger often experience time in slow motion
  • As we get older it seems time moves more quickly
  • When we enjoy experiences time moves quickly
  • When we are in pain time moves slowly
In the same way we can accept situations alter our perception of time, we can also accept our mind, the human brain, is a tool that links each human being to time.
Each of us has a unique personal relationship with time.
So, if we can change the way our brains work then we can change the way we perceive and experience time.
An example: if we accept people perceive time as if it were moving in slow motion when they experience extreme stress such as being robbed at gunpoint then is it possible those same people could create for themselves the same mindset without the extreme stress? The answer must be, Yes – that is possible.
Another point with practical value: I believe a person’s self-esteem influences the way that person experiences and uses time. The higher the person’s self-esteem the more effective the person’s time will be used.
So, the first practical thing one must do is work on maximizing one’s self-esteem.
Some successful people were born with a predisposition to possess high self-esteem. I am sure that has not been proven…but I believe it is true.
Other successful people learned how to maximize their self-esteem either unconsciously or through conscious effort. Again, I doubt this has been proven…but I believe it is true.
Regardless, each of us can work at maximizing our self-esteem.
Two more points:
  • Considering self-esteem, many human factors come into play: personal strengths, confidence, mood, vested interest, etc.
  • Some time-management gurus claim the act of employing personal time management has a very positive impact on one’s ‘mindset’…Brain Tracy, for example. Success at managing how one uses one’s time could tend to increase one’s self-esteem. Even if that isn’t true there are other benefits, which have been catalogued by the time-management gurus. So, Yes, for a number of reasons it is a good idea to commit to personal time management.
Time management is a misnomer. Better to approach this as ‘personal organization’.
Think about Napoleon Hill’s observation…when required to sum it up in one word he said successful men and women were ‘organized’. That is, successful people appeared to live organized lives.
I hope this helps.


Beyond Business | Hero Worship | I'm too busy! - I don't have time!

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