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Thought Tweet #872

by Rick Baker
On Nov 19, 2013

Thought Tweet #872 Great leaders don't drive people; great leaders fuel the drive in people.


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Weak leaders have little choice but to force others to do what they are told to do.

Great leaders have a spectrum of choices: their choices range from forcing people to do what they are told to do to inspiring people to want to do what is of value and of mutual benefit. Great leaders favour fuelling the drive in other people. However, great leaders will draw clear lines when that is required. These lines reflect the great leaders' Values and Master Rules.

And - great leaders lead by example. They exhibit Integrity.


Influencing | Leaders' Thoughts | Thought Tweets

Take Steps Toward 'Change Leadership'

by Rick Baker
On Nov 15, 2013

If you want to lead change and influence others to help you achieve the success you desire, consider these things:

  • Your Intelligence - This is a tough one! How can you be objective? How can you know whether or not you have the intelligence required to be a successful leader? Here's a few suggestions: (1) view this as a life-long process, work at self-knowledge, & figure out how to measure accurately [then you will be able to apply these things to understanding others], (2) ask for input from others then consider it from different perspectives [as examples, subjectively and objectively], (3) have at least one mentor...intelligence is not fixed - it is something you can expand if you work at it.
  • Your Self-Control - There are two dimensions: (1) short-term control over emotions, feelings, thoughts, & actions and (2) 'Grit', the ability to control thoughts and actions so they align with personal Values, Vision, Rules, & Goals. 'Grit', as defined here, is the thing in you that determines whether or not you can illustrate Integrity to others and whether or not you have the conviction required to achieve your Desires.
  • Your Emotions - Another tough one! Start by defining Emotions and how they differ from feelings, moods, and other mind states. Seek help from others who can observe you in a variety of Situations: under heavy workload, under stress, under assault [for example, while being criticized]. Assessments can help identify your weaknesses. Major weaknesses must be corrected. If they are not you will violate sacred things like Integrity and your stated Values...violations will destroy followers' Trust in a blink. 
  • Your Actions - and the Actions you must do to deliver value, lead others, inspire others, influence others, and help others. 
Dedicate at least one full, uninterrupted day each year to measure your progress. 
When you do this you will observe progress steps that look something like this...

Thought Tweet #863

by Rick Baker
On Nov 6, 2013

Thought Tweet #863 People are more inclined to follow than to lead. This can be painfully clear when egos are unleashed.


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

One of the most graphic examples is mob behaviour. A few mob leaders can inspire destruction and pillaging from many...just consider Vancouver's Stanley Cup embarrassment. As Mark Weber says, "If the bet is between People and the Situation, bet on the Situation". [paraphrased] 

Betting on Situations is, in essence, betting on people following.

And there's that Spirited philosophy - "Business Contains Only 3 Things: People, Process, & Situations"

To accomplish their dreams, leaders must remember these related things:

Be the role model you want emulated

Anticipate and construct Situations


Business Contains Only 3 Things | Influencing | Leaders' Thoughts | Thought Tweets

Thought Tweet #860.5

by Rick Baker
On Nov 1, 2013

Thought Tweet #860.5 You wanna lead, you gotta read.


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

The Pharaohs and high priests of ancient Egypt knew that.

Abe Lincoln knew it...

"A capacity, a taste for reading, gives access to whatever has already been discovered by others. It is the key, to the already solved problems. And not only so. It gives a relish, a facility, for successfully pursuing the (yet) unsolved ones."

"All I have learned, I learned from books.

You should know it too.


Thought Tweet #857

by Rick Baker
On Oct 29, 2013

Thought Tweet #857 It is better to believe in people's ability to change than in people's fate for the status quo.


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Some people believe people cannot change. They envision a future of status quo or some other fate.

Some people believe people can change for the better. They envision bright and better futures.

Leaders embrace the latter belief.


Change: Creating Positive Change | Leaders' Thoughts | Thought Tweets


by Rick Baker
On Oct 22, 2013

I have noticed in people 4 dominant desires. These desires apply to people in business and to people in general:

  1. The desire to vent one’s strength.
  2. The desire to feel important.
  3. The desire to control.
  4. The desire to create things of value.


The Desire to Vent One’s Strength

At the philosophical level - Nietzsche considered this to be the #1 human desire, greater than the drive to procreate.

At the day-to-day business level – People who are enthusiastic about their work are working at things that align with their personal talents & strengths; people who are worn down by their work are working at things that do not align with their talents & strengths. Both consciously and subconsciously, people know when their actions are not aligned with their strengths…it tends to bother them and it tends to eat away at their spirit. Their ambition shrinks. Their performance dulls. Their minds wander and their energies shrink.


The Desire to Feel Important

At the philosophical level – Dale Carnegie, the self-help pioneer, viewed this as the leading desire. In his lessons and his classic ‘How to Win Friends and Influence People’ he taught how to influence people by (1) appealing to this basic human desire and (2) not conflicting with this basic human desire…in summary: be hearty in approbation, be lavish with praise, and do not criticize.

At the day-to-day business level – “Constructive Criticism is an Oxymoron”. Criticism can cause behavioural changes; however, those changes are achieved at a cost. “Criticism finds few friends”. Criticism finds people who already recognize their errors. Some of these people have already given themselves a dose of self-criticism…so they don’t benefit and may hold a grudge against the extra dose of outside criticism. Others do not care about their errors and are predisposed to resist external criticism. Criticism finds people who do not recognize they have made an error. There are kinder ways than the use of criticism to educate them about their shortfalls.


The Desire to Control

At the psychological level – much has been written about locus of control. Some people believe they have within them an internal ability to control their lives while other people believe their lives are controlled by external factors.

At the day-to-day business level – People with an internal locus of control can be driven and extremely self-motivated. Or they can be more passive. They can appear strong-willed and opinionated…even maverick or renegade. Some react very poorly to authority and rules. They are self-energized. For some reason these people have withstood the criticisms of others and their spirits have survived. People with an external locus of control may be content or they may be discontented...living the life of a victim. Some will be comfortable with authority and rules; some will be subversive. Few, if any, successful business leaders have an external locus of control. Unhappy followers may be displaying the impact of throttled internal locus of control or external locus of control discontent.


The Desire to Create Things of Value

I think people are born with natural desire and drive to innovate and create. Psychological studies confirm this and the fact that over time most people become less creative and less willing to try new things.

That’s why entrepreneurs stand out in business. Entrepreneurs have an internal drive to create things of value and that drive survives the beatings placed on it by other people, the bureaucracies, the cruelty of the markets, etc. This desire to create things of value is not isolated to business. We see it in art, we see it in music, and we see it in philanthropy and charitable endeavours.


PS: People's actions provide clues to their desires. However, we cannot jump to conclusions. For example, a resistance to authority or a resistance to change will signal certain possibilities. More work is required to uncover which one of the possibilities is most-accurate. People's words provide clues to people's desires...but, watch what they do at least as much as you listen to what they say.


Leaders' Thoughts | Personalities @ Work

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