by Rick Baker
On Dec 13, 2012
People have been trying to figure out other people for a long, long time.
People-patterns have existed for millennia.
For example, consider archetypes.
An archetype is a broadly accepted description of a pattern of human behaviour.
Below are examples of archetypes obtained through a simple internet search.
Interesting to note the similarities and also the grouping nuances & differences.
The question: Do archetypes and related pattern-tools such as personas actually help marketing efforts?

by Rick Baker
On Nov 29, 2012
Thought Tweet #619 The need for clear differential advantage and crisp value propositions is increasing.
The Thinking Behind The Tweet
Social media has created a huge volume of information - available and accessible to buyers. And, buyers do their homework. They can sift the chaff of lame marketing and sales thoughts with the blink of a mouse or keypad.
Social media has created a huge volume of information - available and accessible to strategists and marketers. And, it can overwhelm strategists and marketers. Time to get back to the "PQS basics".
by Rick Baker
On Nov 23, 2012
Thought Tweet #615 Marketing is about knowing client needs, discovering insights, & 'packaging' help.
The Thinking Behind The Tweet
Sales is about persuasive people interactions, listening, confirming needs, & closing.