by Rick Baker
On May 7, 2013
Thought Tweet #732 "...the parasites live where the great have little secret sores."
The Thinking Behind The Tweet
According to history or legend, when the great Henry Ford was caught in a very compromising situation he said, "Never complain, never explain". We cannot believe everything we read, so - perhaps Henry Ford was never in that compromising situation and even if he was perhaps he never said that never-never quip. And, perhaps Henry Ford was simply making timely use of the wisdom expressed earlier by the great British statesman, Benjamin Disraeli?
Regardless, Disraeli or Ford or both, "Never complain, never explain" makes for an interesting story-example of what makes great men great.
PS: "...the parasites live where the great have little secret sores."
Many people have a negative impression of Friedrich Nietzsche. I'm not one of them. Just after Disraeli's death, when Ford was a young man, Nietzsche wrote those words. ['This Spoke Zarathustra'...written in 4 parts, during the 1880's]