by Rick Baker
On Apr 9, 2013
Thought Tweet #712 Judge others' actions with sparing in frequency, be extra-considerate of situations, and be sincere.
The Thinking Behind The Tweet
Know your judgment is likely to sting.
Anticipate the scenarios of reaction.
If you must judge, be a creative judge.
Constructive Criticism is an Oxymoron
by Rick Baker
On Apr 8, 2013
Thought Tweet #711 Wasted brain-energy and wasted time...we're committed to cutting this scrap by 10% in 30 days!
The Thinking Behind The Tweet
Many businesses have scrap-reduction programs; few businesses have programs for reducing the wastage of brain-energy; every business should commit to cutting this scrap by 10% in 30 days!
by Rick Baker
On Apr 5, 2013
Thought Tweet #710 Leaders who cannot see their forest need a good pruning.
The Thinking Behind The Tweet
Some leaders do not have time to plan. Actually, they DO have enough time...they struggle with how to use time. That is an infectious condition. It tends to spread from the leader to others in the organization. Soon, there's a not-enough-time epidemic throughout the workplace.
Consider the Feeling: 'I do not have enough time.' When you think you do not have enough time, how does that feel? It cannot feel good...can it? Fighting against the clock...all day...every day... That cannot feel good. Throwing up your hands and surrendering to the hands of a clock...and spreading the surrender to others at your workplace. That cannot feel good.
So -
- Why do so many leaders feel they do not have enough time?
- When we dig deep, what lies at the root of that problem-tree?
- Certainly, a good pruning is part of the solution...Don't you agree?
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