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When self-confidence shines it is charismatic, magnetic, & contagious.

by Rick Baker
On Apr 10, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

And when self-confidence shines it keeps ego in the proper light. Put another way, it allows ego to perform in most-productive ways...ways that are appealing and so inspire other people.


INSPIRE PEOPLE - GROW PROFITS! | Thought Tweets | Values: Personal Values

Win-Win deals happen when Self-Confidence meets Self-Confidence.

by Rick Baker
On Mar 11, 2021

The Thinking Behind the Tweet

It takes [courage-grounded] self-confidence to win & it takes consideration of others to create win-win. These are the building blocks for exchanging value in business.


Attitude: Creating Positive Attitude | Thought Tweets | Values: Personal Values

If Necessity is the Mother of Invention then Courage must be the Father.

by Rick Baker
On Feb 22, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Necessity walks hand-in-hand with Courage and their finest offspring is Confidence.

We must not underestimate the courage and self-confidence required to think and act in new ways.

We must not forget the key role Necessity can play, especially in the face of major challenges.

Courage and Confidence are the keys to creativity, invention, & innovation. 



Thought Tweets | Values: Personal Values

Values are the ground rules that drive actions/behaviour. Shared values are the ground rules for behaviour in business.

by Rick Baker
On Feb 15, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

When there is clarity around and embracing of shared values:


Goals - SMARTACRE Goals | Thought Tweets | Values: Personal Values

Battles require people; people require battles.

by Rick Baker
On Feb 13, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

We all have heard it takes two to tango. Tango requires people...two. Battles require people...at least one.

Battles are a fact of human nature.

The questions are:

  • Do you back into battles or do you pick them well? 
  • Do you put logic to work before you select your battles? 
  • Are you really just battling yourself, for example - masking your prior errors?
  • Does self-controlhelp you determine your battles and how you fight them? 
  • Do the battles you choose align with your strengths? 

When you observe the How, the Why either resonates and amplifies the peaks or dis-harmonizes and diminishes the peaks.

by Rick Baker
On Feb 10, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet 

First, it is essential to do a good job of observing in order to properly perceive the How. 

Then, with the How understood, the Why has an opportunity to become fully clear. 

Finally, take time to understand why the Why either resonates or dis-harmonizes. This is the route to understanding whether Values are in sync or whether Values are likely to create interpersonal challenges and Culture problems. 

(I mean - Culture problems within your business, your family, or your community.)

Copyright © 2012. W.F.C (Rick) Baker. All Rights Reserved.