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Dreams of a better future light the path to that better future.

by Rick Baker
On Mar 21, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

"Past and future are dreams; now is a reality. All things are now; all power, all possibility, all action, is now."

British author/philosopher James Allen said that in 1903. It seems to me Allen's advice is a key to what most people refer to as 'time management'. I mean, if people pay more attention to the present and less attention to agonizing over the past and worrying about the future then they will feel less stressed...and they will feel like they have more time.

On the other hand, we should not be too harsh on dreamsonly dreams of a better future generate that future. As 2 examples, Marconi proved this...so did Martin Luther King Jr.

When Leaders tell followers what to do they need to limit that telling to BIG PICTURE things.

by Rick Baker
On Jan 16, 2021

The Thinking Behind the Sales Tweet

Some think Leaders should provide followers latitude to do their work as they choose. Some think that’s the way to breed creativity and maximize motivation, innovation, and results. Meanwhile, many [perhaps most] entrepreneur-Leaders tend to micro-manage. 4 keys to success in business:

  1. The Leader must pick strong/capable followers, 
  2. The Leader must tell those followers the desired BIG PICTURE things such as VALUES, VISION, MASTER RULES, and MAJOR GOALS
  3. The Leader must show those followers how he/she [the Leader] goes about his/her work [actions]…i.e., setting one example, the example that fits the Leader’s strengths and personality, and 
  4. the Leader must make it clear he/she expects followers to take action that fits their unique strengths and personalities.

One thing I've learned about drawing lines in the sand: before you draw them, set your Master Rules.

by Rick Baker
On Jan 12, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Note to self...

Know the rules you want to live by....your Master Rules

Anticipate possible situations & predict a set of outcomes...'scenarios'.

Visualize how people will feel and act.

Visualize how you will feel and act.

Do these things before drawing lines.


Master Rules | Thought Tweets | Vision: The Leader's Vivid Vision

Leaders do best when it is clear they have sacred rules, which we call “The Master Rules”.

by Rick Baker
On Dec 11, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Master Rules: these are rules set by the Leader and well-communicated by the Leader to all followers.

The Master Rules must not be bent. And, if they are broken then the consequences are clear and enforced. The Master Rules must capture the essence of the Leader’s Personal Values, mesh with the Leader’s Strengths, and serve as clear directions towards the Leader's Vivid Vision. 

Intrinsic drives often persist as lifelong drives.

by Rick Baker
On Nov 13, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Do you have some internal drives that have survived for decades? If you do then you know what I'm talking about.

Long-lasting, persistent wants/needs/drives reveal much about character and personality.

[Time and effort spent working to fulfill these persistent drives is time and effort well spent.] 

About Influencing Powerful People - #3

by Rick Baker
On Nov 10, 2020

Talking About Influencing Powerful People - here's another Dirk Schlimm quote:

“What makes these geniuses so powerful is not ground-level expertise or vision. It is the fact that they have both; they are equally capable of and comfortable with micromanaging and dreaming up a large-scale, big-picture vision.”

Copyright © 2012. W.F.C (Rick) Baker. All Rights Reserved.