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We simply must spend more time imagining Possibilities..."Think of things - not as they are but as they might be."

by Rick Baker
On Sep 25, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Robert Collier wrote, "Think of things - not as they are but as they MIGHT be." ...'The SECRET Of The Ages', (1926)

If we follow Robert Collier's advice then we will get beyond our personal biases, especially our tendency to judge others harshly. And, we will create.

Robert Collier, 'The SECRET Of The Ages', (1926)

If you cannot see the forest for the trees, you're out on a limb.

by Rick Baker
On Sep 19, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Few people possess the ability to think strategically while having a solid grasp of the details of the plan. Some people do not know they are out on a limb until they suffer a painful fall. Yes - that's part of the learning experience...as long as they are able to get up after the fall.

Let's not stumble along purposeless roads...let's construct better paths.

by Rick Baker
On Sep 14, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

"A person with clear purpose will make progress even on the roughest road. A person with no purpose will make no progress even on the smoothest road."

Thomas Carlyle, Scottish philosopher (1795-1881) 


When I think about this I wonder if it would be better said - A person with clear purpose makes progress despite the roughness of the road.

Then I wonder if it should be - A person with clear purpose will make progress because of the roughness of the road.


The smoother the road the less likely you will reach your long-term destination.

The smoother the road the less likely you will know or achieve your long-term purpose.

And finally...friends...

Let's not stumble along purposeless roads...let's construct better paths.




Hope is a waking dream much craved by people.

by Rick Baker
On Jul 9, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Aristotle said, "Hope is a waking dream."

People want hope; people follow dreams.


Regardless, Hope stands in the shadow of the elite state of mind known as Belief. If Hope is a waking dream then Belief is the inspirational call-to-action.



Attitude: Creating Positive Attitude | Thought Tweets | Vision: The Leader's Vivid Vision

You cannot drive people when you work them into a fog.

by Rick Baker
On Jan 4, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Nor can you expect people in a fog to generate much internal drive.

Nor will people in a fog drive one another around toward specific destinations.  

People get nervous when they are being driven in a fog.

People get nervous when they are driving in a fog...well...at least the ones that notice the fog get nervous.


Vivid Vision: the antidote to business fog.


Humour | Thought Tweets | Vision: The Leader's Vivid Vision

What awesome power lies in the combination of strong willpower guided by strong definite life-purpose.

by Rick Baker
On May 22, 2017

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Willpower is wonderful, but without proper guidance it consumes energy without purpose.

Definite purpose is wonderful, but without willpower to guide and control action it is unattainable.

Copyright © 2012. W.F.C (Rick) Baker. All Rights Reserved.