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Building A Quality Attitude

by Rick Baker
On Apr 13, 2010
Most people know the importance of having a good, positive attitude. Many people talk about it. Some argue with the words like ‘positive mental attitude’…for example Gitomer talks about the ‘YES Attitude’.
Link to Gitomer – YES Attitude
No matter what we call it, we all know we are better off when we have it...so, I like it when people tell us how to go about developing a positive metal attitude.
I recently listened to the CD version of Nido Qubein’s ‘How to Position Yourself for Success’.
Nido Qubein presents a helpful summary for Building a Quality Attitude:
  1. have a positive mental outlook about situations, people and ourselves
  2. associate with people committed to excellence
  3. study the lives and actions of great people, read good books, etc
  4. focus on long-range goals, nothing motivates like achievement
  5. always know what you are going to do next (To Do lists help), set yourself up for easy beginnings...leave a half-completed sentence on your typewriter, lay out your clothes, do a pleasant task first thing in the morning
  6. put real meaning into your life...give everything you've got to everything you do...every minute
  7. adopt a Can Do vocabulary
More about attitude in future blogs…


Attitude: Creating Positive Attitude

Comments (6) -

rick baker
8/14/2013 10:19:30 PM #

"Expect the best. Prepare for the worst. Capitalize on what comes."

Zig Ziglar
American Author, Salesman, & Motivational Speaker, (1926-2012)

rick baker
11/23/2014 2:37:03 PM #

"It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit."
Harry S Truman, 33rd U.S. President (1884-1972)

rick baker
9/12/2015 5:15:35 PM #

"Beware the "squint" brain. Look at things squarely and without prejudice."

Frank Channing Haddock
'Power of Will', (1910)

rick baker
12/12/2015 5:55:24 PM #

“When fate hands you a lemon, make lemonade.”

Dale Carnegie

rick baker
6/5/2016 2:27:31 PM #

"If you could snap your fingers right now and make anything happen in your job what would it be?"

Todd Henry
'Die Empty', (2014)

rick baker
10/10/2016 8:22:43 PM #

Advice from a man who had lost an arm and despite that loss became an excellent golfer...

"The right attitude and one arm will beat the wrong attitude and two arms every time."

David J. Schwartz,
'The Magic of Thinking BIG', (1959… 2015)

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